Unconfirmed and In-Progress #02 — E.T. Phone Home
January 15th, 2014
Please take this obnoxious thing with you.
I’m disappointed that this show has apparently decided that the one with a Hello Kitty cellphone jammed up her nose is the one that the entire episode had to center on. I think she had probably at least 75% of the lines too. I was hoping that it’d expand from where it began, not contract around the most annoying part. Nowhere does it stand out worse than the ED either, which also doesn’t speak promisingly toward moving away from the dog’s squeak toy as the centerpiece of the show either.
It could have also helped if they had more than one subject for the show. It was nearly 10 minutes on “Mashiro’s scared of aliens” done almost exclusively in nasally rant form, no matter the non-sequitur required to get there. It was like the bloody Kevin Bacon game at points with how badly they were trying. Milk -> Cows -> ALIEN ABDUCTIONS! There was also some rather bland padding here and there. Oh, she making the pink slime that passes for hamburger in Japan and Mashiro likes that too. Kobeni’s trying to remember her past but can’t. The older sister has her own personal cult at school and that’s SUPER WEIRD, GUYS! Yelling out a description of the visuals still isn’t a joke, guys. Let’s find some new characters or different focus to dilute that thing before I decide a pencil in my ear would be preferably to listening to it.
Next Episode:
If you’re reading this, then I’ve forgotten to change the template.
Posted in In-Progress | 1 Comment »
I love how they keep ignoring the male lead, and how after saying a single line, he literally disappears from most of the show. Just LOL.