Kill la Kill #16 — De-Escalation
January 30th, 2014
Not even pretending like anything’s happening anymore, huh?
Edit: I did glance at Magical Warfare just because these two episodes were pretty bad. It rewarded me with flashbacks. Okay, and some meh and overly stretched out action full of over-narration and everyone announcing what they were going to do followed by describing what they did. Still a far cry over KLK or ST this week though. Maybe I’ll make a swap for noselessness if it doesn’t go right back to wasting time doing nothing again like these two seem content to wallow in.
I hope nobody thought the show’s been moving slowly for the past month with absolutely nothing happening because this week, you get twenty straight minutes of exposition! Exciting! Well, I guess Satsuki’s mother also molested her to orgasm, so I guess lesbian incest is something marginally different from Sakura Trick. I’m also pretty sure that they thought the 100 second long recap at the beginning covering the entire show to date was somehow clever, and that worries me.
All I can imagine is that making a new OP and ED wore them out. Poor babies. I can’t wait for that ED to start sticking out like a sore thumb if/when they try to use cliffhangers next to it. I can only hope it’s half as unintentionally amusing as the HiME/Otome series’ woeful matching of tone to OP/EDs.
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Posted in Kill la Kill | 13 Comments »
For weeks you’ve been complaining about the lack of plot, but now you’re complaining that the new episode explains everything. I don’t get it.