Tokyo Ravens #02 — Unhygenic Practices
October 15th, 2013
Sterilize that knife before you cut up your lips!
To be written later. Apparently I lied. This airport does actually have free wireless, but the two hour layover doesn’t.
Anyway, not a terribly exciting episode despite the death of a character who dominated the entire first one. Having Captain Blandy try to talk the crazy girl out of being crazy was unpleasant. At least he turned and gave her a death glare for making fun of him. On the other hand, that then segued right into a woe is me set of flashbacks about how much he cared after the fact… something he had not really once shown at all in the episode and half before she bit it unless you count blushing, but this show uses blushing for everything from death to sexual attraction to magical bee stings to taking a particularly satisfying crap, so you’re not making me care… or rather, think that he cares after the fact by simply expositing about it. There was even an insert song and particularly awkful pseudo-walking animation and direction in general. Whatever the camera angle from his heels was supposed to do wasn’t working.
And yes, I get that this is the whole "rejecting the call to adventure" or whatever the hell you want to call it of the traditional Cameron epic, but that still is no excuse for it being so boring or Blandy being so bland. The overexaggerated facial expressions this episode were mostly ridiculous, but at least the one actually sold him being pissed off and showed some real emotion for bloody once. Drillhead to something of a lesser extent, I guess. The CGI also remained thoroughly ridiculous too, so my hopes are not high for this putting together any kind of real action. Hoepfully, it’ll capitalize on those few moments of emotion in this episode and take those going forward, but I think we all know that has about a 15% chance of happening at best.
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