Sunday Without God #12 — Night of the Living Unredead
September 23rd, 2013
Did anybody involved in making this stop to wonder what the hell they were doing?
Blogging in an airport terminal. Good times.
Christ. Was this episode cribbed from M Night Shyamalan’s 1st grade scribblings? She’s dead. No, he’s dead and she’s just magic because… . Wait, he’s super dead and amnesiac, but since being dead doesn’t mean much, and being extra dead apparently doesn’t either, he’s been extra-quasi dead this whole time, which because of magic is no different from being alive, but is not like being dead. Psych! Just kidding. He’s alive. Show’s over. FIN. I’m going to say that he was a ghost but in reality, he was Old Man Terwilliger, trying to scare people away from the ferris wheel so he could buy it cheap for the gold mine it’s built on top of. Lord knows that would have made infinitely more sense.
At least this moronic piece of garbage didn’t put together any kind of sensical or character driven episode in the end. Just another one in the long line of exposition fests given by cardboard cutouts staring into the bright sunset. Or sunrise. Does it matter? When it tells me "You should care that X is dead," the question I continue to have is "Why?". Answering that question is a level of commitment to fleshing out its cast and story that this show was clearly unwilling or unable to make. But good thing Ai was there to… stand there. Otherwise he’d have just been dead but not dead but really dead forever. Hoo-ray.
Final Thoughts:
What a mess. While I never really bought into the massive blocs of philosophizing at Ai, the first arc at least had an appropriate level of subdued mystique to its visuals that really did a good job of capturing a world that was just a little bit unreal, if also exceptionally bloomy. It seemed to also introduce a set of characters that would then be going on their little adventure to save the world or whatever. It’s cliche because it works. Instead though, two of the characters were immediately relegated to bus driver for children and walking female reproductive organs. And that’s really just the first sign of the massive problem with the show. There are essentially no characters in it. There’s nothing actually human driving anything. It’s just listening to some snippet of information, then proceed to point B, listen to more, repeat, repeat, repeat. Nobody did anything to resolve anything. Just by dint of being present and listening to other static people talk, these supposed issues were resolved. Except that’s not even really true. Most of the time they just shrugged their shoulders and left.
Which is not to say that’s the only problem. Oh no, no, no. That subdued mysticalnessish whatever stuff that I liked at the start soon got buried under just a damn avalanche of running into outright magic, rifts in time and space, ghosts, gigantic space crystals that birthed humans from lightning, etc. Why? I really couldn’t tell you most of the time. The Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters was the biggest abuse by far. That had no reason to exist at all and that entire arc was just mindboggling directionless and inane. The handwave ending of "all’s better because… uh… Uhhhhhhhhh…" also deserves some major accolades for sheer bloodyminded stupidity.
I don’t know what it was trying to do or be, and whatever it was, it did not succeed. The entire cast barely has any kind of personality trait to split between all of them, they’re all completely extraneous to events in the show, and the plot plods boringly slowly through pure inanity and outright stupidity. I’d only recommend it if you really really love bloom, and even then, you might want to call it quits after the first three episodes.
Posted in Sunday | 1 Comment »
Glad I dropped this after the first episode. Kept up with your episode recaps in the vain hope that I was being too hard on it but alas…