Daybreak Illusion #11 — Wooden Chair Attack
September 14th, 2013
Because when you’re a feral weremonster, throwing chairs is always the first resort.
Slow, dumb episode of a whole lot of nothing. As usual, I can imagine another world where giving Seira the choice of knifing Luna or not could have been interesting, especially if they had really been pushing Seira’s desperation and willingness to do anything for her mission and what she believes in, but alas. It was just spat out there with basically a speech that said "BROOD OVER THIS NOW," and Seira has nowhere near enough of a personality for that, let alone any kind of development.
Which is still more than happened in Akari-land. They all just seemlessly went wandering off to stay on the family’s palatial estates. Oh, and I guess explanation of mommy and why she can hear the Daemonia’s voices, as if the supposedly dead friend, corrupted friend, drained/missing friend, and murderous corrupting evil thing weren’t reason enough here. Less is more, guys. Let’s try to stick to character-driven, eh? Not over-complicated BS splattered on at the last minute in an attempt to give them real motivation about the true villains here.
Posted in Daybreak Illusion | 7 Comments »
for me the only shocking thing in this episode was that the crow work for the enemys