Project Code Name: Wolfram Maraschino Karate Bugle — Redux

July 8th, 2013

Game on? Game on. In case you missed the news, Romanesque is back in Pog Jast form. And no, I have no idea how Jast did it. Or why either after MG got snubbed. I just got an e-mail one day saying "Hey. We’ve got the license." My primary working theory is hoodoo. I have learned that Sofurin now doesn’t like me. Like, a lot apparently. So that’s something to come out of it. Now to just finish Seinarukana and all its materia arcanae. Also, to re-create my work environment. What fun.

Posted in Romanesque | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Bocam says:

    By Sofurin do you mean the Ethics Organization of Computer Software?

  • nightshadow2239 says:

    Ya, I saw that Romanesque was just recently licensed in english.

    How far was your progress into this game?

  • Delstius says:

    The irony, considering that without the recents events it probably wouldn’t have been even considered I suppose.

    Glad to hear it’s getting a translation (someday) anyway.

  • Anonymous says:

    Probably wrong to read into this too much, but it sounds like your kickstarter scared them into doing an official translation. They saw there was interest in the fan-translation community and knew if they didn’t act fast someone would probably translate it.

    That or they saw how much you raised in that short amount of time and realized there was a market.

  • Jikorde says:

    From the sounds of it, they were scared they would lose money because of your efforts, and then saw how much you could have gotten and decided to change their minds. Except at that point they had already denied MG so instead they went to J-ast to keep their dignity instead of crawling to the people they rejected before.