Fantasista Doll #02 — Bringing Yoyos to a Bazooka Fight
July 13th, 2013
Then again, the yoyos did take out most of the rest.
I think I’m mainly predisposed toward this because Illya’s doing such a poor job earlier today that mere signs competence ‘impress’ me, to stretch the word, as the protagonist continues to be mostly obnoxious. It’s more than a little strange for them to be hitting the "lying is totally bad and is just the same as betraying your friends" card for any number of reasons, not the least of which is because she hasn’t been shown to really have any friends, and that the secondary lesson was "Hide trap cards everywhere just in case the enemy decides to run along the wall." But mainly because I don’t think that hiding that a bunch of magical golems have attached themselves to you and now haunt every flat surface around you and so you don’t have time to hang out today is the great sin they were making it out to be. She only learned the latter lesson anyway, saving making up for next week after the less than thrilling cliffhanger. Or not since the next episode preview seems to have nothing to do with it.
I’ll figure out what to do about Saturdays next week. Too many damn magical girl shows, all with leads I wouldn’t mind throttling. We can include Kaminai in that categorization just to make it a complete set.
Next Episode:
Stomping on things.
Posted in Anime | 5 Comments »
What i wonder, this Calling Dolls out of the Phone with Cards, looks so normal in this Anime. No one care to explain that. You must be some fan of other Magical Girls Animes in the Past to enjoy this, it seems