Dangan Ronpa #03 — GASP!
July 18th, 2013
Almost all broadcasts were pushed back about 15-20 minutes today, so it’s not all my fault. But my connection has been randomly dropping for hour(s) at a time over the last couple days, so… yeah. I can’t wait to get back home to stability.
Well, I gave it to the end of the first ‘mystery,’ and I remain unimpressed. I suppose we can take it as an object lesson that there are massive difference between how you present something through an interactive medium like a game and a passive one like a show, but I’m pretty sure most people that aren’t Kishi were already aware of that. The blaring music, the corny cut-ins, the overexaggerated everything. They’re just a whole lot of noise for noise’s sake. Start to finish. Probably trying to cover up a wafer thin mystery, although I’d like to think that they’re just lazy and copied it straight out of the game as I’m 95% certain they did so fans can clap their hands wildly and go "That’s just like my game!" as if they’re trained harp seals. And not that that kept them all from gasping in utter horror like a dingo was tearing apart their collective testicles right in front of their faces either. There needs to be contrast. When you’re presenting everything the exact same way, then there’s no tension. A guy leaping out of a closet is scary (or at least startling). A guy screaming in your ear for 20 minutes is not 20 times more tense, just obnoxious.
Maybe I’ll give Love Lab a harder third look after all.
Posted in Anime | 16 Comments »
Well I can tell the culprit is the same as in the game which disappoints me a bit. For a mystery series you’d assume this is a chance to change the approach a bit and shake up the former fans into a new frenzy based on new mental puzzles called “mystery”.
I’ve played the game version and so far the anime just seems lazily ported to the anime medium. All that has happened so far is that they’ve removed a few parts of running around and finding things. The sword was not in Naegi’s room at first but something that Sayaka and he went and got. The reasoning was she wanted something to defend herself at the time. Yet this was left out.
I’ll admit this makes the episode shorter and possibly less boring. However if you have enough desire to change this then why not change the mystery up a bit.