Dangan Ronpa #02 — Conveniently Fluorescent Blood
July 11th, 2013
I guess everyone’s highly irradiated.
I’m not really feeling it, and I think it’s because the show’s not quite sure what it’s trying to be and all it’s succeeding at is over dramatization. Well, or more likely, just soullessly copy pasting the game’s script and not actually thinking about the changes that come with removing the player/interactive portion as is Kishi’s usual modus operandi. Naegi’s probably the biggest offender as nary do five minutes go by without a throbbing closeup of his eye or him gasping in horror and having a sweaty nervous breakdown. But it’s not really selling itself as an emotional thriller either where that kind of thing would make sense. It’s too bright and shouty for that, not to mention expositionriffic. Walls and walls of text and explanation are not how you evoke a visceral response. Even the deaths weren’t really all that shocking for as much as they liked the throbbing camera effect. And if they wanted shocking, then the bright pink blood wasn’t helping. This isn’t on the PSP anymore. You can probably get away with a little more gore if the attempt is to upset the audience. Not to mention that after the screaming fit that Naegi had after Maizono’s death, he took watching someone else die right in front of him shockingly well. Almost like he’s horribly and inconsistently written.
At the same time, it’s moving far far too slowly to be something more like a mystery or some manner of procedural. If this was Law and Order, it wouldn’t even take twenty minutes for them to arrest at least two wrong people and have a suspect murdered, even while cracking wise along the way, and they wouldn’t have even gotten to McCoy yet. About the closest they got to that was just going "Hey, look at some clues here. They’ll be important later," but even those didn’t even happen until about the last three minutes of the episode. and was practically just a montage, to say nothing of the silly ‘number’ clue.
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