Data Live #03 — Things to Put in Your Mouth

April 13th, 2013


I don’t think they’ve quite figured out perspective.


Maybe something’s wrong with me, or maybe this show actually temporarily hit its stride (to no doubt fall on its face later). This episode gave the exposition and internal monologuing a week off entirely (and surprise of surprises, everything was far better for it), and was pretty much 12 minutes of Touka being cute, a little bit of Itsuka manning up a little bit for once, followed by a little PTSD giant swords. Granted, him getting conveniently knocked out in the mass of stuffed jelly bed liquids had my eyes rolling which undercut the nice mood they had going with that scene, music especially. The censorship also completely ruined the sniper shot thing entirely since it was all a giant puff of shredded stuffing and not even at all clear that he was even hit except for one quick cut that you’d miss if you sneezed. The whole bit between the sniper shot and Itsuka being tossed at her had some ugly direction issues, probably not helped by the OP insert during the kiss either.

The date with Touka was pretty cute and amusing all around though, weird insert song at the start notwithstanding. Touka herself carries the show, visuals especially, in way that I think only the samba-sister and original teasing at the very, very start has before. Not that I’m saying that the show has suddenly become good, mind you, but this was easily the best of the first three episodes by a pretty huge margin on just about every level except the actual fight, and was actually genuinely cute and amusing for the lion’s share of the episode before it kind of fumbled it a little on the goalline.

Posted in Date a Live | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Goldi says:

    I’ve heard people saying that the show is supposed to pick up even more after the first novel is over, but I guess we’ll see about that in the next episode..

  • algorithm says:

    Same as last season but without the ninjas.

  • ZakuAbumi says:

    Just wait for it, Aroduc. With the next episode, it’ll probably be back to pretending that it has a plot you’re supposed to care about and take seriously and you know how anime writers think there’s nothing that screams “WE! HAVE! A! PLOT!” quite as much exposition.

    Or maybe I just confused this one with Railgun. I don’t know.

  • Jinzilla says:

    This show has a lot of awkward BGM placements lol.