The Dark Knight Returns #02 — Superman is Still a Dick

January 29th, 2013


He no billy at all.


My primary complaint with part one was how much they half-assed Miller’s noir style. Here, they pretty much abandoned it altogether and the whole thing turned out much the better for it. The music fit better, there were a lot fewer weird presentation disconnects, and the visual style was just a lot more consistent overall. There were certainly still a lot of parts that could have… and I am well aware of the irony of me saying it… used a bit more of Batman’s inner monologue. Especially the Joker fight. That needed a bit more oomph to really sell him driving Bruce to the breaking point. Well, without Batman’s monologues in general about how badly he’s fighting and how many times he almost got himself killed, the fights are a lot less grim in general, but that’s the only place where it really got in the way. All the cop stuff with Yindel was also very much half-assed in both introduction and conclusion. …Which is was in the original too, but they certainly could’ve tied all that stuff in and/or wrapped it up a lot better. Just going with "Vigilantes bad!" and then "Actually, he’s iconic after all," and having that be about 95% of your meaningful dialogue concerning that particular plot point is a tad… yeah.

Regardless of that, the action is constant and pretty much all excellently done. Both the Bruno and Superman fights especially stood out. Great choreography, well animated, solid directed all around, none of that shakey cam nonsense or other cheapness that is so prolific elsewhere, and just the sheer amount of it. If only every one of these DC Straight-To-DVD things could look this good. Alas. It’s probably worth watching just for the fight scenes alone, even if you want to skip part one. Just don’t expect either part to match with what made the original so iconic in the first place.



Posted in Dark Knight Returns | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • shadow says:

    the best of DC : superman and batman ( the boss of the justice league ), I have a question :
    Young justice is cancelled ? is true or not

  • firecow says:

    yes, young justice is cancelled according to IGN. Stupid Cartoon Network.

  • shadow says:

    why ? low rating or what….
    green lantern too is cancelled

    • jingoi says:

      They rather force us to watch more johnny test/live action/f$%ked up cartoons.

      So has Superman ever absorbed energy from plants before?

      • OverMaster says:

        No, it was an one-time only thing.

        It seems they cut the part where Carrie royally screws up, disobeys Batman’s orders to stay behind, and gets a full building of people killed with one of Joker’s freaky living bombs, only to receive no scolding or punishment whatsoever. If so, good.

        Will we be seeing the recent Carnival Phantasm OVA in this blog? From what I’ve heard, it was rather crappy.

        • Aroduc says:

          I should have, but I honestly just didn’t realize it was out and dropped the ball. *shrug* Oh well.

    • shiro says:

      Young Justice and Green Lantern were not renewed for another season when Cartoon Network reveal their 2013-2014 line-up. At least both shows get to finish up their current season, then be replaced by some cg batman and teen titans go. sighs rather have some sbffs instead