Love Live! #04 — Misuse of Alpacas

January 27th, 2013


Filthy creatures.


Yawn. By the end of the little intro segment featuring Hanayo, the girl in glasses who can’t to speak up in class, you can pretty much chart out the entire rest of the episode. And of course, the soft-spoken wallflower in glasses character who learns to be marginally more confident falls approximately between a saltine and pieces of gravel on the scale of interesting things. Oh sure, they tried to add alpacas to her to make her slightly more interesting, but has that ever worked? The alpaca is not to be taken lightly. Besides which, without the main three’s general energy, the show’s a lot just generally duller. It was also a little weird how the other two just kind of got sucked up along with Hanayo. And how they spent the entire time blushing around her. Maybe they all want to jump her bones.

Hopefully Niko’s a bit better than her next week 


Grumpy faces.

Posted in Love Live! | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Benigmatica says:

    Mega Milk shout-out? Still, I think Honoka can’t be a titty monster yet!