Good Job Club #03 — Bad Touching

January 23rd, 2013


All Japanese girls should be equipped with a countdown.


Pretty slow middle again, but the countdown to Mao-destruction at the start, the bad touching, and Kirara’s… various things at the end were solid. The final (pre-ED) TV/baseball bit was easily the strongest point of the episode, so at least it went out well.  It also explained here Kirara gets all that meat from.  The animation isn’t back to where it was the first episode, but at least it didn’t dip any further from last week either. I guess the episode was supposed to be centered around Doofus, but it doesn’t help that he’s probably the weakest of the lot.

The bit with Mao tweaking him right before bad touches was a little weird though. A lot of the Mao stuff this week just seemed oddly subdued compared to how she’s been so far. Including all of somewhat janky animation, general tone, and time taken to go to a lack of an actual punchline. I was a lot happier when they weren’t showcasing how awful and oblivious Whose-His-Face is. And no, pointing out that you’re aware of it doesn’t make it any better. It’s right up there with "This is like a bad anime/eroge situation." That’s not a joke. That’s just alerting the slowest members of the audience to how trite you’re being.


Maids, servants, and hamsters.

Posted in Good Job Club | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • The Phantom says:

    I kinda like Kirara, is a refreshing character, hate the loli and the male lead though, shion is OKish for me.

  • Benigmatica says:

    Looks like they decided to flip out the Giants… How rude!

  • ataggata says:

    It looked to me like the animation took a dive. Not surprising, given that nobody’s really watching this compared to other shows. The notable point was early in the episode when the girls were all spontaneously wearing club badges that weren’t there before, and then in the next shot they were off again.

  • arknoir says:

    If you listen to the beat(04.30)when they all constantly press the badges, it sounds like the intro to Bionic Commando. Takahashi-Meijin would of been proud.