K #10 — Starcrossed Lovers
December 6th, 2012
Just kiss already.
Watch as I blow your mind with my amazingly unexpected comments that the time they continue to waste on Team Shinsengumi and/or talking reds heads blustering around bores me. And wait for this mindblowing shocker. Stupid flashbacks jammed in for no reason about crazy friend betraying immature shouting friend! I don’t even know why they’re doing it. I would have been perfectly happy sticking to Kitty and Krew’s search for the super powered psychopath framing one of them while they run from both the police and the ‘criminal’ group after him. It’s not the most creative of scenarios, but it works. A hell of a lot more than this mess at least.
Instead though, we get a lot of primping and posing over the whole king thing. Again. Since Shiro pulled out his powers and got parts of his memory back, which you’d THINK would be important turning points for his character and his side of the story (the only interesting side, mind you), I’m not sure we’ve seen him even 5 minutes. Hell, I’m not sure that Team Red even cares about Shiro et all anymore. Actually, I’m not sure if they remember he exists half the time. The only appearance that the ostensibly central characters make before the last few minutes is to run past in secret. Well, secret to everyone but the audience. I’m really hoping the ear piercing deafening meow is supposed to be a clue to the audience that she’s using her powers and not actually a noise that is made.
Oh good. A fight.
Posted in K | 2 Comments »
“Just kiss already.”
Oh, come on, Aroduc. You’d replace the screenshots with the latest iteration of “Attack of the guinea pigs” anyway, wouldn’t you?