Ixion Saga DT #10 — Wherein Brain’s Base Stops Trying Entirely
December 9th, 2012
I hope you like half-assedly animated volleyball.
Nearly 15% of the episode was the stupid volleyball shot. Fifteen goddamned percent. If that’s not a sign that they’ve just given up, I don’t know what is. The rest, meh. Kon whines about video games again, goes slightly crazy and ‘plays’ them on the square he drew on the wall with the wooden controller he carved. Then they dump him in a pro wresler match where he kicks theem in the balls and runs away. Yawn. Come up with some new material. More than ready for the new season to replace this with just about anything else.
I don’t care.
Posted in Ixion DT | 7 Comments »
Pretty sure DT is two cours.
I don’t know, maybe for the next season you could try to stick with a few more shows for a bit longer before dropping everything with an actual plot.
K stayed, Psycho-Pass leaved.
Oniai stayed, Jojo and SSY leaved.
DT stayed, Magi leaved.
The PLOTS won against the plot.