Total Express #20 — Script Brought to You Today by the RNG
November 25th, 2012
Wasn’t there supposed to be a tournament or something?
Now this is some truly Guilty Crown levels of hilariously terrible development, but hey! It’s development in some way. At least something’s finally happening. Occasionally in hilariously awful slow motion or with ridiculous censorship… or my favorite… a guy being DECAPITATED by a bullet, but happening nonetheless. Instead of the dick waving contest with the Americans, the end arc is apparently going to be about COEURL EXPRESS which is a front, attacking the base. Also, the bartender is evil. Except she’s shot in the backof the head by her own men ten minutes into the attack.
Also, how bad is the security on this base that a civvie delivery service is somehow able to sneak in an entire platoon? Did nobody notice the dozen delivery trucks? Or think that might be suspicious? I just assume there were only a dozen. There were five waiting to ambush Yuuya alone. At least all the soldiers were nice enough to stand around listening to her yap for a few minutes before killing her. So now we’re supposed to… want revenge? For someone that was shot in the head in the middle of an evil villain monologue? By COEURL EXPRESS.
Anyway, at least I laughed, and isn’t that what’s most important?
Posted in Muv Luv | 15 Comments »
So Coeurl Express, whom Aroduc loved so much, turned out to be evil? You must feel so betrayed…