K #07 — Slaphappy

November 15th, 2012


Kuro, you can’t even get beat up without looking girly.


Fair amount of stuff this episode, so much better than the last couple, but someone should have probably told the musical director that because a lot of it was done with the same elevator piano music as they use for lazy shots across the city. The exposition probably would have been pretty dull anyway, but they certainly weren’t doing themselves any favors with the music. Especially in the last third or so when it dumped out all the flashbacks/expanations of Kitty and Whitey. The gleam in their eyes through that entire part was probably supposed to be mysterious or menacing or something but just looked really silly. At least the fight was nice.

It is a little annoying for Whitey to just whip out an array of magical powers plus his own giant sword so casually though. Especially no real impetus unless you count his girlfriend being in danger. It was still a very lame scene that should have been something other than "She’s my girl. And I have powers. Bye." And yes, I’m referring to Kuro. You know how I love selective amnesia/shadow pasts too. Maybe if they weren’t the most overused plot device in the last ten years… but alas. Neko messing with him in some way has been fairly obvious for a while, but that’s a far cry from being tossed out of planes and in it up to his neck the entire time. Can’t wait for yet more flashbacks to cover this!



No fighting, no Kitty.

Posted in K | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Rewriter says:

    I’m pretty sure he didn’t use any powers; that was the cat’s doing…
    I didn’t really like the movie reel part—seemed out of place.

  • Gorilla13 says:

    Still no buttsex?

  • icymirage says:

    Are we supposed to be able to tell any of the blue guys apart or will the king always put Kuroh under his foot, so we know which one is him.

    The man is in the colorless love triangle is … obviously the cat.

  • algorithm says:

    Fucking filters.