K #06 — Sad Boys in Rain

November 8th, 2012


That’s how you can tell it’s an extra dramatic scene.


Oh boy! A flashback episode! You know how I adore it whenever the story gets put on pause to (not) answer questions that nobody was asking! The story should always be moving forward. If you’re going to whip out a flashback, you better have some goddamned good reason for it and a good excuse for it. It better add to events in progress in some meaningful way. "I’m sitting in a cell thinking about my past" is not a good reason. They are a tool and should not be swung around like a blunt instrument. And apparently we were actually supposed to care so much about these two characters from this episode that we would like Kitty’s ED being replaced by a special ED for them. That’s not going to fly, GoHands.

*ahem* Rant complete, another not terribly interesting episode mainly centering around a character who hasn’t done anything but sit in an enclosed room for the show’s entire run, and a character whose sole point before this was to be a corpse. Exciting. The overall plot in this show is such a mess that I don’t even really want to bother trying to think about it any more. "People with super powers hit each other," is all you really need. Better shows have run ith a hell of a lot less than that. All this futzing around is just cheaper than doing that, and if you’re going to waste time on nonsense, then I’d rather see 20 minutes of Kitty running around half naked. Or completely naked. Never let it be said that I’m not flexible.



Oh good. A fight and Kitty’s naked again.

Posted in K | 12 Comments »

12 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Hasmodai says:

    What’s with your hate for flashbacks, Arc?

    Sometimes, they are necessary.

    • algorithm says:

      Oh god.

    • Aroduc says:

      Most times, they are not necessary. They are a tool that CAN be useful or done well, but more often than not, they are a time wasting attempt to shoe horn in ‘new’ motivations or developments that didn’t exist at all in the story at all before, making them little better than retcons, and in fact when the flashbacks introduce new motivations or relationships that had never before been seen or been important and suddenly are, they essentially ARE retcons.

      This one just fit into the useless category. If events can be introduced/handled/whatever by the story/characters IN PROGRESS so that their introduction is as natural and organic to them as it is to the audience, that is ALWAYS preferable.

      • barak says:

        Because the acceptable was of telling a story is how Aroduc likes it! QFT.

        • algorithm says:

          Acceptable storytelling? Not K in any case. Could be worse.

          Villain is revealed to be childhood friend after 6 years. Or 7. Then extensive flashbacks into flashbacks to explain why. Meh.

      • Hasmodai says:

        I’m not a huge fan of K or anything, but i thought it made sense in this context, a guy died, a lot of people seem obsessed with him and his dead and they trying to find out who killed him. Is it so bad they spent 10 minutes on 13 episodes series to explain who this guy was and what was his relationship with said people?

        Of course if the series started to drop flashbacks left and right in the way of Angel Beats i would agree with you.

  • Huh... says:

    Is this supposed to be labeled Joshiraku in the top right corner?

  • Shake: I’m gonna catch some Z’s and for your sake I hope it doesn’t rain… and Carl, when I get up the sheets had better be different. Because your Lawrence Taylor linen set…is not a sexual turn-on…when I’m jerkin’ off in your bed.

  • animefan says:

    Believe it ot not this episode was much needed. They explained who the guy was that died at the beginning of the first episode. Incluing now they showed the red king and some of his past. They probably will explan a lot more later in the episodes. Its only on the 6th episode so far and there doing a great job with it <3

    • Aroduc says:

      Which is important because… why exactly? They thought he was a psychopath murderer that was going to ruin the world already, but now it’s PERSONAL? His life was a cypher before, but now it’s CYPHERER?

  • Anonymous says:

    This episode did lack kitty, which was why it was flawed.