Canine — All Hail the Mouse King
November 29th, 2012
Some puns you just can’t resist.
I’ve made my distaste for the Shinsengumi-side infodumping episodes of this show clear, and this was one where Kitty and Krew didn’t even make a cameo appearance, so… And to make matters even better, a large chunk of the middle was spent on the random schoolkids who have no idea about literally anything putzing around. You know, someone just revealed they secretly had magical powers and a fake memory, and someone else blew himself up. Of all the things I’d think to follow that, the adventures of Billy Everyteen and the profanities he randomly spouts while hammering are low on that list.
But on the other hand, I think the writers finally slipped the reigns. Between the English swearing, space conversations, puffed shirts, magical fox-weasels that travel through ‘phone’ lines, and… oh yeah, THE BLUE MOUSE KING WITH HIS MINI MAGICAL SWORD AND CULT OF MAGICAL MOUSE FOLLOWERS, this may have been the most I’ve laughed at an episode all season. Then again, they did kind of halfass the fight as far as choreography went. Oh sure, there were overanimated pans up, down, thigh to thigh, over rippling pectorals and whatnot, but "guy stands there then explodes… then emerges unharmed… wash, rinse, repeat" isn’t fooling anybody.
Sexual tension builds.
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*Unzip pants in anticipation of next ep*