Ixion Saga DT #03 — Obligatory RPG Pet

October 21st, 2012


I stil don’t know why it has goggles.


I guess considering that the entire thing was centered around introducting the obligatory RPG cute mascot, it was slightly better than you’d expect, but it was still overall very dull. All of the humor this week was centered either around the manly ‘men’ blushing over the thing, or Captain Noisy screaming about it/glaring at it. We hit all the bad cliches about ‘pet’ and RPG ‘pet’ ownership too. The high point was his outright attempts to murder it but that’s still saying little and only a step or two above Tom and Jerry.


Meanwhile, in Utena-land…

Posted in Ixion DT | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anonymous says:

    because googles make everything awesome

  • Gorilla13 says:

    I’m surprised there’s no doujin about that green haired she-male yet…

  • Rednal says:

    Let me put it this way… if the Main Character wanted to be rid of it that badly, he could have said “It’s wearing goggles, which means it’s somebody’s pet. We can’t possibly just steal somebody’s pet. However cute it is, it’s not ours, so put it down and let’s go.”

    What actually happened is the plot device known as the “Idiot Ball”.

    For me, this is a so-so show. I think I’ll keep watching, but I’ve seen much, much better in the past.