Armed Warmaidens #02 — Pest Extermination
October 11th, 2012
The ramifications of heavily armed sentient vermin are disturbing.
Edit: Tempest/Civilization Blaster was a fat lot of exposition and absolutely nothing else for 17 straight minutes before a couple staring matches rather poor two-attack fights to round things out. Since the action was the only decent hook of episode one and there’s even less in two, I think I can safely give angsty teenage boys standing in a windy empty city… but with Shakespeare references… a pass after this particularly animeful morning. I’ll figure out how things falls with the rest of the Thursday shows later.
As last week’s time filling montage was unpacking/cleaning, this week’s is cooking. Often by squeezing things with their asses. And then they’re invaded by cat-mouse-girl-things who toss out tanks… which shoot one of them, and they still don’t realize it. You were just shot in the legs. By tanks. How does this go unnoticed? And then they began slipping around on viscous fluid in the dark until they were attacked by a live and suspiciously violent octopus. Where the hell did the octopus even come from in the first place?
It was also the introduction of Hina, the last main robogirl who is all angsty and unfriendly because all she cares about is fighting and Maaaaaaaaaaaaaster doesn’t want them to fight. But she got to ‘fight’ anyway when the vermin threw food at her while majestic music flaired and then thanked by Maaaaaaaaaaster thus learning the true value of… uh… I’ll get back to you on that one. It wasn’t corny enough to actually be funny though, nor anywhere close enough to be well animated enough to be impressive, leaving this one squarely in that wishy washy middle area where it’s still not really doing a good job at any of its component parts.
Her face… also baths.
Posted in Armored Angels | 7 Comments »
…Goddammit, Japan. Are things like this really necessary?