Total Eclipse #12 — Noooooo!!!! Not the Redshirt!!

September 16th, 2012


I don’t even remember if he had a name.


Far be it from me to question things, but how did just one BETA straggler get so far ahead of everything else? And what was what appeared to be an anti-tank rifle doing sitting out, conveniently loaded, pointed at the BETA, and ready to fire? Or did Yui supposedly pick it up and carry it over there in the 10 or so seconds she had? She can barely support the weight of her shoulder pads. Also, every single BETA in the mini-swarm was killed by that little boom while she remained completely unharmed? Not even splattered with blood? They might as well also given her little buddy a red shirt and had him talk about how he was two days from retirement too. And that was really it for the first half. They fought off one BETA and we recapped SOVIET = EVIL in case you had somehow missed any of the half dozen times they talked about it last week.

The second half went more or less as expected so not the most eventful of episodes. Corny flashback prior to expected death, Redshirt got eaten, Yui ran away from the BETA until saved by her man at the last second. And of course, the first thing he did was jump out of his mech and the first thing she did was bitch at him. I did also like how they showed a completely empty base with the explosion and then showed BETA all over it in literally the next cut. The entire battle seemed like it was put on pause while he rescued her too. You’d expect at least the evil Soviets to be doing something. Or more than a tiny little handful of BETA in the swarm. Maybe they were patiently waiting for Yuuya and Yui to have their moment so they could swarm on them to end a third straight episode with "Gasp! BETA are right outside!" It’s getting old.

Posted in Muv Luv | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Gorilla13 says:

    The fuck? There are BETAs everywhere and yet they have time to chitchat? Hurry the fuck up inside the mech and get outta here already! The japs sure love talking in their anime, this is why sometimes I wish some japs (like the ones from MadHouse) could incorporate some of the american action movie style into their anime.

  • icymirage says:

    Soldier has a piece of shrapnel in the arm with moderate bleeding. Enemies will arrive any moment to kill you. Please rank the following actions in importance:
    a) Argue with the solider about why you’re rescuing them.
    b) Hold a counseling session for the soldier to provide emotional support. Tell them their life is important.
    c) Remove sharpnel. Clean and dress wound.
    d) Destroy classified technology that your allies might get a hold of.
    e) Load soldier into vehicle and get out of there asap.

    It’s already ranked from most to least important. Getting out of there is relatively unimportant compared to the others. Now you know. Go forth, solider!

  • ark noir says:

    corp yamamoto was so good I confused him for a protagonist up until he got killed and the real one turned up,did next to nothing and got the girly acting Yui reward.Where Yamamoto’s
    piece of the pie?

    • Gorilla13 says:

      LOL Yamamoto was so beta he couldn’t mash the chick when they’re all alone, beta white knight her so much that he got fucked just for the bitch to be rescued by her white-washed knight.