The Ambition of Oda Nobuna #03 — Family Affair

July 22nd, 2012


Nobuna is clearly having her woman times.


Kind of a rehashy episode centering around Yoshitatsu’s coup against his father with a dose of Azai and marriage alliance stuff on the side. Aaaand that is not helping Nobuna’s characterization problems in the slightest. It is a little bit amusing to see all the fuss and sinister music playing over Azai considering that popular media pretty much always has them paired as the love and justice freaks against Nobunaga, the demon lord. We also all know it eventually ends with Oichi boffing him anyway.

But back to Dousan/Yoshitatsu and… meh. They sort of tried to tie it into last week’s episode with some lip service to "the situations are similar because families are fighting", but that’s really all it was, lipservice and then crying over reports and letters until the last couple minutes while dramatic music played and my favorite, pans over the setting sun. The ending did pick up a little bit, but it was still really really cheap, and the "what if you had died" slap and ‘touching’ moment made no real sense given the preceeding 20 minutes. Hopefully next week will pick up a little bit, or maybe at least start ignoring Nobuna if they can’t figure out how to make her anything but excessively hormonal.


Oh good. Threats of cutting things and terrible speedlines.

Posted in Oda Nobuna | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • DmonHiro says:

    I think it’s episode 3, not 4.

  • jingoi says:

    When Nobuna stops dyeing her panties red I’ll be back (won’t be back).

  • Gorilla13 says:

    lol so she hates that other dude cuz he said he didn’t love her so she settles down for monkey. Isn’t that convenient? What’d happen if the dude lied that he loves her? I guess this is one rare time that shoujo manga did better than shounen cuz at least in shoujo both rivals fess up their love for the girl so the one who wins the girl’s heart is the winner. Here, monkey is like a consolation prize since she couldn’t snatch up the other pretty boy.

    • Anon says:

      … Here it is folks, feel about about those “LOL women stay in the kitchen”? seeing something because of T&A?

      Well the women are as bad or worst because they only care about bishies … unless they are Japanese were they also to abuse them or its no sale.