The Aesthetics of an Antihero #04 — What Would Spiderman Do?
July 26th, 2012
An oft-unexplored part of Peter Parker’s escapades.
I found it highly amusing that after my comments last week, they flashed back to show him grabbing people’s magic band thingies. Still, I know that if I’m tired of saying it, then everybody else is probably even more tired of hearing me say it, but like always, this could’ve been at least decent if it had any kind of budget attached to it. The first half was centered around Akatsuki quickly taking care of the cockatrice and then fighting against a character half-suffering from Has-No-Face syndrome, the true antagonist of the event instead of Red. They could’ve done so much more with that fight, especially as it at least appeared to be the first time that Akatsuki even half-struggled with anything, even if he was just playing dead/weak. There was way too much exposition for such a pointless throwaway character too, particularly when he was just cheap-shotted from behind, but that’s hardly new or unique to this show. A broom to the head from one of the harem probably would’ve gone further than ol Whitey stepping in too while I’m at it.
And then it was time for Myu to recover, so of course, the first thing he does after talking her through generic sob story #14 and bringing her home is strip naked and then perch on the ceiling in the shower after her continually expanding breasts ruin another shirt. Oh, sure. He might have come in once he saw her geting undressed, but I find it far more amusing to think that he had been standing there for at least thirty or so minutes, just waiting for the dawning moment when she looked up and saw his… sword… hanging down at her. Besides, all that steam? She had to have been in there for at least a while. One wonders why Spiderman didn’t try to charm MJ in the same way. Most of the rest of the episode barely holds a candle to that. Random conspiracy stuff, rival from the past, etc. Bring on the underwear shopping next week.
Bra shopping with sexual predators.
Posted in Antihero | 5 Comments »
So the heroines’ usefulness was not completely and utterly deconstructed in the anime? … that’s quite an improvement I must say.