The Aesthetics of an Antihero #03 — Sexual Predators

July 19th, 2012


What? A monster that doesn’t tear clothes off? Is this really ARMS and AT-X?


Kind of a weirdly structured episode. There was actually a fair amount going on, particularly in the second half, but it didn’t really tie particularly well into the first half. And as always, the utter lack of a budget made the fights only slight less dull than dishwater. At least that has grease and bubbles. It was sort of centered around the Hobbit and Myu continuing to make friends and open up, but they also tossed in Red pulling the ol’ "Screw with the sim controls and make things SUPER REAL." The Hobbit’s little self-doubt slash be a big girl! bit through the first third wasn’t interesting either. That even made Izumi attempting to get into Myu’s panties kind of dull.

Regarless though, a gigantic cockatrice is no Holographic Evil Abraham Lincoln though, and that whole scene was just kind of bizarre. Akatsuki just kind of utterly vanished from the entire thing for a large chunk of time to give the girls a chance to their whole teamwork and sacrifice themselves for Myu schtick before finally showing up again with the ‘cliffhanger’ of summoning his sword despite already manhandling t barehanded. They really should’ve addressed hist disppearace in some way at least because it’s obtrusive as hell, have him dragging off the stone people while eyeing all their AD bands or something. Instead he just literally vanishes when the cockatrice appears and Team Pee begin throwing it around the room. 




Surprise, everybody lives.

Posted in Antihero | 12 Comments »

12 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anonymous says:

    they made the sword pose, this anime is now officially awesome


    this week ep

    onore Akatsuki get silent & cracker snack treatment by miu
    oh red hair bully as usual Akatsuki rid of the red bully.
    shorty class rep being hmm by big green do something about DECADE Akatsuki.
    give shorty being pressure a lot so Akatsuki doing his way help shorty.
    while miu & the lesbian sneak check while the lesbian want play miu.
    after some talk all good give Akatsuki & shorty go huh with miu & the lesbian.
    student council members meet with big green wonder to do?
    here class ice pres guy give he handle it all give big green all shock take it a yes.
    meanwhile bit “something hmm” & oh training time with 3 wet girls do own train.
    Akatsuki vs red hair bully equal Akatsuki with one band still own you.
    then here come wild out of control CHICKEN MONSTER.
    with attack make people goes “rocky” then 3 wet girls attack but nope.
    shorty & the lesbian block save for miu with got “rocky”.
    give miu know what happen if “rocky” breaks tried to defend.
    here come DECADE aka Akatsuki to rescue with his summon BIG SWORD.

    next ep yea everyone will fine & no longer “rocky” cause here come super Akatsuki.

    • Gorilla13 says:

      Dude, could you stop your spamming? I saw your post at at least 3 different sites by now. Or are you too dense to formulate a new comment for each different site?


        it called spread the message to everywhere.

        back to series any eps count on it yet give main guy might lead build own harem to rule them all?

        • Gorilla13 says:

          And the point is? You want everybody to acknowledge your existence? You’re that desperate for attention? That’s sad. Good luck with that.

        • KLAC_OF_PERSONALITY says:

          how dare yee besides you have no idea give really more to it besides give best sum it up & make it also everyone read it.

  • Rednal says:

    You’re not usually wrong, but… they DID address his disappearance. He was in a different gymnasium; the ones who wanted to duel as a “party” (i.e. the girls) were sent elsewhere, while the one-on-one fighters stayed where they were.

    • Aroduc says:

      Three to five minutes to get to the gym next door is well past pushing it.

      • icymirage says:

        But then they’d have to show how he got bracelets off petrified people.

      • DmonHiro says:

        It took him a while to take the bracelets. And he probably stopped to try and make a sword each time, so yeah, that’s about 5-10 minutes.

  • Neclord X says:

    I don’t really understand this setting. Well, in fact its they don’t even know how to do this setting.

    I mean, it’s suposed all them are teenagers that traveled to other worlds, became heroes and returned. So even if some of them are more strong than others all them should have at least a minimun of power and self confidence. Bullies and bullied makes zero sense in this setting.

    • DmonHiro says:

      From what I understand, not all of those who returned became heroes, and the powers they got varied greatly. Some only got passive powers that aren’t that useful in a battle. Because of the range of powers, they divided them in classes. The bully is in call A, the supposedly strongest class. Why they put Akatsuki in B class is beyond me though…