MLA: Total Eclipse #04 — Say Hello to My Little Friend

July 22nd, 2012


I’d rather have had more bath time.


This show really does love its insert songs, doesn’t it? It’s also a little hard to take Yui seriously when she’s wearing those giant shoulder spikes that look like all she needs to do to give herself a tracheotomy is raise one arm. The first half was kind of bizarre in general. The rivalry/conflict between Yuuya and Yui based on mutual pissiness plus a tinge of racism is a hard sell, but it does beat listening to Chobi throw temper tantrums… if only just barely. Plus, it feels kind of… well… dumb… to try to be bragging about how Japanese schoolgirls are such amazing pilots after two episodes ago, they spent an entire 20 minutes showing a schoolbus full of them all dying mostly due to being utterly clueless… and last week showing how he was extremely skilled. A little consistency here could go a long way.

The flashback halfway through was also inane as all hell. Get dragged back by the spastic girl to meet her Russian bear, be held at gunpoint, and then… relive your childhood of racism before attacked by stills being thrown in the stocks where crazy doctors decided, why not, let’s just immediately begin sticking him with things. There was also a completely inane quasi-cut at that point where it faded to black as he screamed while showing the outside of the cell… followed by someone running into the cell at the last second to stop the whole thing from happening. Not sure what the director was thinking there at all. Besides, I believe I’ve mentioned this before, but this is the worst run military ever.

Posted in Muv Luv | 17 Comments »

17 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Wilfriback says:

    Hope Kryska isn’t just another generic angry jelous lesbien in the anime version.

  • Wilfriback says:

    P.S: anal probes that’s what military wanted to do.

  • Golos says:

    Being Yuuha Bridges is suffering.

  • Yue says:

    Why is there no gunship support and aerial superiority over these aliens?

    Even daisy-cutter bombs and HEP rounds from long-range artillery will halt this alien advance to halt.

    Using machine guns and a steel sword against aliens of these kind seem irresponsible.

    • Anin says:

      The aliens have extremely effective anti-air lasers which also makes big, slow moving ships ineffective. Yeah, it’s a pretty bad excuse but it’s the excuse they’re going with.

      • longhaul says:

        the Chinese/Russians were actually beating the BETA back with air power for the first ~3 weeks which is what caused them to adapt the lux class from mining to anti-air

    • etery-chan says:

      Yes. Such a bad excuse. They seem like brainless insects to me. Yet they are able to neutralize every other means and forced these human to use bipedal robots to fight against them.

    • longhaul says:

      artillery still accounts for the most BETA kills, the problem is the laser class are able to shoot down artillery shells as well, if they are around it requires brute numbers

  • Anon says:

    Dont complain about the Magical Aliens and their Magical Lasers or we will be here all day with the apologists … we had many Frodos over this already in /a/, just nod and dont make eye contact …

    • Aroduc says:

      I don’t understand why they don’t pilot Mettaurs.

      • The Phantom says:

        You need to update the schedule and Spring anime tabs at top of the page they are still linking to the last season.


    much of this ep been like he said vs she said on yuuya & yui.

    give more about yuuya struggle give being half-jap really wonder more to it?

  • Jelly says:

    The Betas are kind of cute.

  • Neclord X says:

    “and last week showing how he was extremely skilled”

    Pretty sure japanese doll just wants hims to learn to use superior proud japanese equipment. Incredible hard to learn (because japanese are so deep) but once mastered can’t even be compared with filthy western weapons. That’s how awesome that machine is.

    Also surprising how the humanity is on the verge of extinction but we still fight between us for things such as where we were born or to keep military secrets that could have the key for everyone’s survival. We indeed deserve to be eaten by BETAS