MLA: Total Eclipse #02 — Rocks Fall

July 8th, 2012


Nobody’s surprised when everybody dies.


Much much improved, but then again, I wanted all of these characters to die after last week’s horrid episode. A shock to everybody who has never heard word one about Muv Luv, I’m sure. Everybody dying, I mean, not me wanting them to die… although I guess that’s not particularly rare either. The idiots weren’t really helping themselves either, most of them getting themselves killed for being utter morons. It turned half of them into more hilarious than the tragic deaths of friends I’m sure they were going for. Skipping last week’s episode could’ve probably helped that too. If they hadn’t made me hate all of them, then… well… I wouldn’t be rooting for the penis monsters. Revenge girl was particularly insufferable and I was glad to see her being eaten censored. Ex-Rival girl was the only death that had any real oomph to it with almost all of the rest being more comical than anything. It’s not like anybody spent millions training these girls for ages on how to fight and gave them absurdly expensive mecha to do it only to get immediately shot down for doing the equivilent of sticking your head out of the trench to search for the sniper corps.

On to the less good, or ‘good.’ Whichever. Hooray for CG. CG everything. At least they’re actually using it to decent effect and with everything in those fights being CG, the usual clashing of styles isn’t too bad. The mixing of styles still does annoy me though, particularly when they keep cutting to closeups of their excessively detailed glistening breasts suits and then it’s back outside to the other style. There were a few points where they actually animated the space penises too instead of using the CG models. At least be consistent about your ugly stylistic budgetary choices. Of course, since it’s now off to the training/dev facility to find the actual main protagonist of the show… We’ll see. Nice that at least one Sunday show improved from last week though.

The OP this week was just recycled clips from episode 1. Nothing worth seeing. Or listening to for that matter.


Posted in Muv Luv | 15 Comments »

15 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • The Phantom says:

    Damn I see blood everywhere, I skipped the first episode, now I have to go back and watch it first.

    Was not this about some retard school girls riding mechas and doing cute things? they should have advertised beforehand that this was gonna be a bloodfest It would have hooked me immediately.

    Fuck yea more blood an violence please.

  • Neclord X says:

    I liked the one with the hime-cut. Well…at least we all know this was going to happen. With the exception of main girl they all activated death flags everywhere (and none of them appeared in the official promotionalart).

    Still, being eaten alive was a bit too cruel. Revenge girl may be deserved it for being dumb, but not rival. I supose she was just too beatiful for this world ;_;

  • icymirage says:

    What’s the point of first two episodes? It might work as a hook if they had smart characters that actually did some neat things, like Gai-rei Zero, instead of being pathetic and then dying. Could have started with the series with the last scene – “I vowed I’d never cry again.” Or we do still have another 10 years to jump ahead?

    • longhaul says:

      prologue, and setting the tone for those unaware of muvluv

    • Silver says:

      Well the characters in Gai-rei Zero were already full fledges workers with experiences in their jobs. Here… you have a bunch of young cadets who just go thrown into a very bad situation… and got slaughtered as a result. BETAs are dangerous due to the fact that they come at you in sheer numbers. And they are fucking ugly so it probably gives everyone shivers looking at those fucking ugly things lol.

  • animedemon says:

    wow how she miss so many time >.>

    • SomeDude says:

      She didn’t put a laser on her gun. Everyone knows you can’t miss if you have a laser.

  • Dynellen says:

    This could’ve been a great episode with real budget but some of those monsters almost had me rolling on the floor with how stupid they looked. Especially that scene where one girl kept hitting a dead one with her sword but nothing happened to it while blood sprayed everywhere.

  • etery-chan says:

    The comical thing is when one of the girlie was jumping for joy, “Yay, I dit it, I hit them.”


    oh my i did guess right went ga rei zero route on this ep indeed rocks falls & nearly everyone get “whack”.

    good grief really some stuff too ugh yet hmm on it to watch.

  • Sporklord says:

    Does it make me a bad person to laugh when little girls die horribly?

    I like how they only think to go full speed and use that smoke when like 3 of their friends blow up.

  • AQZT says:

    Ahhhh Muv-Luv.

    I knew you wouldn’t let me down.

  • Silver says:

    Well them being morons might have to do with something about them being still cadets and not actual soldiers yet so there seems to be a lot of panicking which resulted in their deaths.

  • jingoi says:

    Ok…..disturbing. I’m ok this but those things that killed the girls were just weird. Could be less weird if it was mass murder minus eating the humans.