ZETMAN #10 — Enjoying the Jailbait
June 4th, 2012
I know what this episode was all about!
Well, it’s an episode mostly centering around Kouga… being ‘tested’ because why the hell not… with the obligatory damsel in distress being Konoha as always, and you know how I just can’t ever get enough of him. At least he didn’t spend the entire thing drooling over Jin. His weapons have been getting more and more ridiculous though. I think they put rabbit ears on his pistol, and when he took it out to finally use it, it turned into a sword. Which as you know are far preferable to guns. Especially when fighting robots. Not that the party of about twenty different school girls, all wearing different uniforms wasn’t weird enough already. Just from how far out were they shipping all these girls in? Although given their reaction to the wall sliding away revealing a honeymoon bed, there’s at least an 85% chance they were all nymphomaniacs/prostitutes anyway. And then the room ate one of them. I’m not entirely certain what happened there. A censorship bar (probably?) just dropped down and then there was a bloodsplatter before they unleashed the giant robot that would make up the meat of the actual test. And speaking of that, I have no idea how those random other girls died either. They cut away from Kouga for a while to do other stuff, then cut back and another three or four were dead while he was seemingly no worse for wear.
Elsewhere, all Jin did this week was bask in the afterglow of shagging his jailbait. The XXs whined some more and moped about being useless as always, and ol whose-his-face with Evol broadcast a summary of the show’s premise and then unleashed his swarm of lizard/insect people onto the city. I question the logic, not to mention the logistics of this plan, but hey, lizard men chewing off people’s heads has never not improved matters. Well, if they had actually showed it instead of one exceedingly lame still of mid-mastication.
Why does your gunsword not shoot anything?
Posted in ZETMAN | 12 Comments »
“what are we going to do on the bed ?”