Sanka Rea #12 — Do I Deserve to Be a Sex Toy?

June 28th, 2012


A compelling question for the ages, I’m sure.

Reminder. Happy Bread’s off today. Broadcast continues on Tokyo MX as normal though, so its final episode will be broadcast on Saturday. I’m sure everybody is waiting with bated breath.

Edit: Oops. Forgot to hit publish. *ahem*


Ugh. Seriously? This is how you want to end it? Random nothingness fireworks plus Rea getting insecure and jealous over Ranko? A girl who, for all intents and purposes, she has not had any real interaction with ever? Yada yada. "I always cause trouble. Do I really really deserve to fulfill his every sexual fantasy? Etc." Ranko gives a particularly annoying speech about how they both like him and neither should give up, completely ignoring who the entire show is named after, and Rea decides to go home briefly so she can begin… going back to school because she’s a girl. Which she proceeds to tell to Doofus before going into the sex zombie mode again.

Okay, that last part with the biteyness could’ve been interesting and weird if it wasn’t the very ending of the show. Otherwise, no big surprises here besides the kiss bite, which was just a particularly bizarre way to end things. I despise the entire "Do I really deserve to be with him?" schtick regardless, and here, coming off the whole show being simultaneously about her father using her and her pandering to Doofus/the audience in every possible way, it’s even worse. I guess at least it was short, but at the same time, it was introduced and resolved in about a 6 minute span. Now that says compelling drama.

Oh, and if you’re looking for/collection new promos. Place’s next ep preview was replaced by a new CM for KoiChoco while this one had a NakaImo CM.

Final thoughts at the end.


Final Thoughts:

In a theme for the season, it started interestingly. The director took a lot of cues from Shaft’s presentation without letting it get out of hand like Shinbo does. However, it ultimately futzed around for most of its run before an almost laughable ending. There seemed to be approximately four types of scenes, blatantly wasting time, flashbacks for tertiary characters that had little to no involvement with the rest of the characters, saying how it was bad to objectify Rea, and objectifying Rea (and Wanko). Those last two in particular prevent the show from being taken seriously. In one breath, it’s giving speeches about how she’s a person not for other people’s gratifications while in the other, it’s dressing her up in bunny outfits, having her nakedly writhe around, and at ‘best’ having Doofus follow her around with a camera.

So bleh. It had some stuff at the start that interested me, but muddled it all up by being distracted away from the core of the show and trying to both sexualize Rea constantly. The show needed to be more cohesive and on point. Fewer random asides to tertiary characters that were just background material, and especially not in the middle of seemingly important events in progress. The whole season feels like it should’ve been just the introductory arc and didn’t even really use its gimmick besides, again, an excuse to objectify her for Doofus, even as it said that was a bad thing. It’s an okay show, but ultimately squandered most of what it had going for it and all the pacing/focus/theme issues just got worse as the show went on. Oh well.

Posted in Sanka Rea | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anonymous says:

    DEEN didn’t even cover half the manga with this anime. They should have waited at least another year to get more material to work with and then animated it faithfully instead of filling it with tons of filler and bloat.

    Oh well, it’s DEEN after all.

  • The Phantom says:

    I actually enjoyed the show, but hated the fillers tremendously. this and Hyouka were always on the top of my list, There was not much else worth watching anyway.


    In the finale episode

    days past since rea’s dad let them go all good as usual oh fireworks event rea like to see.
    cat hair boy bit worry keep rea safe & her body well all time.
    then mero appear why rea keep in house give rea want go out more?
    rain come no fireworks so next day here wanko oh do home fireworks party.
    rea swept & broke boom here cat hair boy arrive do home fireworks with wanko.
    wanko arrive during which alone time & talking with rea about cat hair boy, zombie life, & rest.
    home fireworks doing well with babu goes down from sprial fireworks.
    rea arrive home get her stuff so she can go school & brief talk with step-mom.
    rea & cat hair boy doing wonder to do til here come zombie bite kiss.

    indeed series quite good of sorts give likely s2 might happen & also looking forward to dub on it

  • Dynellen says:

    This could’ve been decent/good anime if they actually tried covering some of the material instead of stretching it out. Resolving Rea’s daddy issues by ep 6 or 7 and then finishing the anime with the story of Rea going berserk followed by regaining her sanity at the end.

    But no let’s streeeeetch it out with fanservice and side character stories no one cares about.

  • Shirokuma says:

    So since Rea ate Doofus, Ranko won’t have the opportunity to make little catcows? Too bad…