Medaka Box #10 — And Now She Has Transformations

June 6th, 2012




The episode certainly did not start well. I think my eyes rolled back so far in my head that I could see my own brain during Zenkichi’s introductory "This wasn’t to save us, it was to save you" speech, which so shocked the baddies that they stood there completely and utterly stunned for almost a full fifteen seconds. Things didn’t really improve at all for the next 15 or so minutes either. Nothing could be said in ten seconds that wasn’t stretched out to five minutes. Dramatic ‘tense’ moments lasting so long that you could leave to make a sandwich when they began and be eating it before the ‘explosion’ (which was a ridiculous shaking still even happened. And you might as well take the extra time for the mustard because they’re just going to review it again anyway. And then a second time. In slow motion. While explaining what they’re showing. Aaaah, Jump. Masters of the storytelling medium.

In the last couple minutes, her hair began glowing, showing that this was now serious, so they began the fight by him jumping into her fist, and the impact of that single punch was shown for THIRTY FULL SECONDS. Anything that could’ve been cool about this episode was mugged and left for dead by horrendous pacing. Not surprising, especially for a Jump series, but good lord.


Battle damage.

Posted in Medaka Box | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Jack says:

    Things didn’t really improve at all for the next 15 or so minutes either. Nothing could be said in ten seconds that wasn’t stretched out to five minutes.

    Hah! Haven’t seen the episode yet, but your thoughts reminded me of this quote by the awesome Douglas Adams:

    “For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.”

  • alex says:
    where is her spear and why did Meduka transformed into Kanade ?

  • Nanaya says:

    Try overlaying it with the dbz theme. You may need to slow it down to match the scene’s pacing, though.

  • Benigmatica says:

    Oh boy, looks like Medaka will kill the fight next week!

  • Kaisos says:

    I could say something about how the manga format allows for large amounts of information to be imparted in very little time, and how when transitioning to an animated format this results in fight scenes being dragged out and then babble about the superiority of manga to anime, but then I’d sound like a weeaboo Alan Moore and no one wants that.