Hearts Connect #01a — Half-Asleep

June 24th, 2012


Yaaaaawn. I just woke up. Come on, Japan.

For some bizarre reason, Silver Link decided to put up the first ten minutes of the first episode as a promo. Well, I guess it’s enough to post some thoughts. My preview’s more or less done, there’s just some snide remarks left and the fun of sorting/uploading the collection of promos left.


And I kind of wish they hadn’t. This was excrutiatingly boring. Yes, the character designs and art look like K-On too. Let’s get that out of the way. Other than that, I’m not sure I can think of a single notable thing to say about the half-episode. Music was sparse, direction was barely there, animation was somewhere between cheap and sufficient, and the characters were the usual bland bunch of people normally staffing these LN adaptations of clubs about doing nothing. There’s the stern girl. The eternally excited girl. The ‘pretty’ girl. The bland guy who rambles about pro-wrestling. The comic relief friend. Yawn. Of course, they were all introduced to us through about 90 straight seconds of stills of them while the main character told us who they were and their relevant character traits. Now THAT’S storytelling!

The gimmick du jour of this one is that they begin randomly switching bodies with each other, but since only the last minute was spent on that… and it was just him going "I’m in a girl’s body? Better spend the next few minutes molesting myself" color me not impressed. Where’s your usual style, Silver Link? Where’s your presentation? This is Key’s old melodrama head writer (Air, Kanon, Clannad, etc) instead of the usual guy, so maybe that’s it. Regardless though, this half-episode was a snoozefest. The second half (July 7th) better be have a lot more to it than this.


If you’re reading this, it means that I forgot to change the template.

Posted in Anime | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anise_Punter says:

    One does not simply recreate the magic and wonderfulness of Yuis just because one wants to.

    And the rest of them, I guess, I never particularly cared for the other ones.

    Where are the black-and-white comic book style pans a la Baka Test, I always loved when Silver Link did that.

  • etery-chan says:

    I hope it would be as good as Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu.
    But then, the artist is K-On!’s artist.
    My dream was half shattered by that.

  • The Phantom says:

    Ughhh these 10 minutes were probably the best part of this show /trollface.