Expound! Nyarlko #05 — And Now For Something Completely Different

May 7th, 2012


But unfortunately, not any better.


Well, I can’t fault them for repeating the same jokes over and over again this week, but that’s mainly because this episode decided to instead try to be an utterly uninspired action show instead of a comedy. I think it’s because of Hastur. He’s just a completely uninspired blob of nothing that has absolutely no comedic chemistry with any member of the cast. It feels like they’re just going through the motions to make the obvious terrible jokes between him and Mahiro where the only punchline is "they’re both guys." I have now spoiled about 20% of the jokes of the episode for you, you may go upon your way. The vast majority of the rest of it was just dull drek not even trying to be funny. Reviewing the hiiiilarious joke of son-onium? Great. What a fascinating way to pass the time.  

The few other jokes were not much better. Yes, yes. You have dressed up like an anime detective to deliver a deduction. Is that all the joke is? Really? But why focus on that when the show has decided that the gripping and suspenseful plot which I’m sure unlike the last couple strung out jokes will in no way be an utter flop of a stupid punchline at the end is far more important. The Mother Hydra popping up as a cutesy deep one was a better joke than anything else in this episode and didn’t take an entire week to set up. Like I’ve said time and time again, focus and commit. Why would you even spend an entire episode pretending like this is something serious when everybody with half a brain cell knows it’s not? And maybe when your cliffhanger is "oh crap, big showdown fight scene so serious!" the next episode preview shouldn’t be a string of shots of the cast undressing or being half naked and frolicking around.


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Posted in Nyarlko | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • TT says:

    What happened to Dusk Maiden of Amnesia?

  • Di Gi Kazune says:

    So much Hastur cuteness… Soo… Sooo cuuuttttttttteeeee.
    *warning* reactor meltdown! *warning!*

  • uburoi says:

    “,,,the next episode preview shouldn’t be a string of shots of the cast undressing or being half naked and frolicking around.”

    I beg to differ.
    Well, ok, not maybe not in a show full of big hairy guys.

  • Applejack says:

    Milky Holmes?

  • redpanther says:

    -Burn Nyarlko DVD while hold the portrait of Saya in public.

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