Aquarion EVOL #19 — Requiem In Pacem

May 6th, 2012


You didn’t deserve to die, Mix’s Breasts.


Kind of a bizarre episode. Most of it was more or less wasted time. The first 15 minutes or so are just kind of… futzing around. All the angsting over Mix isn’t much of a surprise, but they could’ve at least done a little more with it than everybody sulking. Well, and whatever the hell Mykage did to Zessica. I don’t even know why they bother. He seems to have whatever powers are most convenient for the plot anyway. Fudo’s also sending them donut boxes filled with ants. At least he’s not burying people in graveyards.

The last 8 minutes or so are when things actually sort of start happening… but only sort of. They finally pop over to Altair where they run into the worst military security known to man a mysterious feminine guard with blonde hair, blue eyes, and who refuses to take off ‘his’ helmet. All right, so the mastectomy (lord, I hope that’s all it was) was outside my expectations, but not much else of Mix’s ‘betrayal.’ I guess it could also be a quick-grow male clone. With a braid. Which just raises the question of why they’d bother cutting off her breasts but leaving the ribbon in her hair. But running into man-Mix and Amata finding mommy were really about it for important things in this third of the episode in a cliffhanger clustermess as they oft seem to be. I do kind of fear that this is leading up to some kind of bizarre love confession scene where Andy yells out that her breasts don’t matter, which we all know is a damned dirty lie.


Get it? MiXY? LIKE CHROMOSOMES! Hilarious.

Posted in Aquarion | 14 Comments »

14 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • ohcrap says:

    Mix is a guy now?
    Seriously, this show is just bad, really really bad.

  • TEd says:

    this show sucks never liked it i just read screen caps never watch it anymore

  • fromhell says:

    Do the authors have any clue about what they are doing???

  • The Phantom says:

    Stopped around episode 13-14, this shows makes no sense whatsoever, what the hell happened to mix?

    It wont surprise me a little if next episode they blabber that mix was always a guy and was using his powers to pretend be a girl, or that last episode was a dream or some other crap.

  • Taka says:

    Andy dreaming about not being able to touch Mix’s big bangs was Kawamori’s interpretation of the concept of foreshadowing.

  • Suppa Tenko says:

    Mix is going to die, Gundam style.

  • Shirokuma says:

    Are the guys who wrote the second season of Code Geass are writing this crap? Because it has the same shitty flavor… With worse characters… And crappy love gimmicks…

  • Kaisos says:

    …What’s with the sudden hate?

  • Benigmatica says:

    NOOO… Why did you leave us, Mix’s big bangs!?

    Whoever destroyed those big bangs and brainwash her will be punished. PUNISHED!

    Also, I’m thinking that Zessica might join to the dark side… Thanks to Mykage!

  • ZEO-KLAC rangers says:

    ok do anyone expect options

    1.mind control/brainwash (add more poke surgery removal of doobi)
    2.clone version but other gender
    3.undercover spy

    way going expect more WHAM.

  • Golos says:

    There is a lot of love in the show. Many people can’t handle it and turn to hate.

    • aligator says:

      It’s more like there is a lot of incredible nonsense and trolling in this show and many people ar just facepalming because of that.

  • rackenspiel says:

    Oh God.

    Andy will kill Mix in battle and just to put salt in the wound no one will ever know and Mix will be treated as missing in action.

    Please, anything but this, this is why I never watched Gundam. oh god please don’t let this happen.