Aquarion EVOL #19 — Requiem In Pacem
May 6th, 2012
You didn’t deserve to die, Mix’s Breasts.
Kind of a bizarre episode. Most of it was more or less wasted time. The first 15 minutes or so are just kind of… futzing around. All the angsting over Mix isn’t much of a surprise, but they could’ve at least done a little more with it than everybody sulking. Well, and whatever the hell Mykage did to Zessica. I don’t even know why they bother. He seems to have whatever powers are most convenient for the plot anyway. Fudo’s also sending them donut boxes filled with ants. At least he’s not burying people in graveyards.
The last 8 minutes or so are when things actually sort of start happening… but only sort of. They finally pop over to Altair where they run into the worst military security known to man a mysterious feminine guard with blonde hair, blue eyes, and who refuses to take off ‘his’ helmet. All right, so the mastectomy (lord, I hope that’s all it was) was outside my expectations, but not much else of Mix’s ‘betrayal.’ I guess it could also be a quick-grow male clone. With a braid. Which just raises the question of why they’d bother cutting off her breasts but leaving the ribbon in her hair. But running into man-Mix and Amata finding mommy were really about it for important things in this third of the episode in a cliffhanger clustermess as they oft seem to be. I do kind of fear that this is leading up to some kind of bizarre love confession scene where Andy yells out that her breasts don’t matter, which we all know is a damned dirty lie.
Get it? MiXY? LIKE CHROMOSOMES! Hilarious.
Posted in Aquarion | 14 Comments »
Mix is a guy now?
Seriously, this show is just bad, really really bad.