Aquarion EVOL #14 — “Let’s Bury Ourselves In This Graveyard!”

April 1st, 2012


"This seems like a great idea!"


This episode got… uh… weird… by about the halfway point. "We need a fresh start on everything, so let’s go through this crazy-ass rebirthing ceremony where we bury ourselves in shallow graves in a cemetary for a few hours so we can sense the worms and plants coming to devour us. And then ghosts will talk to us before we will emerge from eggs, refreshed and new. Meanwhile, the cemetary is glowing like a light show." I did find it funny that Indian Girl was part of the main gang that lasted through the whole thing despite being nothing but comic relief to date. They should probably think about giving her an episode at some point so I can bother learning her name.

So yeah, it was a cheap episode where essentially nothing happened that hasn’t been covered before, but it was revived and then dealt with in basically a ten minute montage covering the entire cast in turn. But since it’s still Aquarion, this meant naked people floated through space while buried in a graveyard before exploding into the usual Aquarion orgasms of revelation that can all be summarized by "You’re not alone." Thanks, disembodied voice of Jin. Let’s get back to the sex-powered mechs. Well, and Kagura emerged from one of the orgasm-eggs too, making this about the fourth time an episode ended with the cliffhanger of him appearing. It’s starting to get old.


Everybody vs Kagura. Zessica’s still angsty.

Posted in Aquarion | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • nan says:

    I think that’s Kagura’s true power. The ability to appear out of nowhere, so long as the spot is off-camera, like the killer in one of those horror movies. Hell, he probably can’t control it (power incontinence…) and is just acting like it’s on purpose every time he warps in.


    what burying yourself you got to be kidding me?

    oh great got wonder will if funi do this again since did 1st version?

  • Kaisos says:

    This was incredibly weird. Fudo is a crazy person.

  • artk noir says:

    1)What was up with those frog close ups?
    2)Do you think the frog misses Jin?
    3)what do you think of the mikage/kagura plan a.k.a stealing someone’s wi-fi connection.

  • Rukaroa says:

    Was I the only person who heard the original Aquarion’s OP play in the background with English lyrics?