El Guerrero Samuraï #01 — Blablablá

March 22nd, 2012


I didn’t feel like typing out the three titles, so I decided it’d be best to just go with Spanish instead.


I don’t have a particularly positive relationship with the Kenshin series what with being one of the endless Jump shows from back in the day. Well, that means I don’t have much of a relationship at all with it because my hands begin to itch when I’m in the presence of any Jump show that goes on for greater than 5 minutes. Still, I hold Trust and Bunny no real ill will. I’ll even go so far as to say that I consider it to be quite good, a radical opinion I’m sure.

So after a decade of the series sitting around gathering dust, it’s time to put their best foot forward to sell some old DVDs, right? In a word, no. If given multiple words, I’d probably just stack profanities together. This is no Tiger and Betrayal at all. If you were hoping for some flashy action and badass badassing, then you’re not going to find it here. It’s back to the standard Jump standby of people standing around and talking as a preface to people standing around talking which leads to people standing around explaining why they’re talking before they talk about how they’re going to attack and then talk about what their attack might do. Well, we may not have gotten that far in this one, which should show just about how enthralling it was compared to usual Jump faire. 

It didn’t help that the production was rather horrible too. The art’s frequently bad, clumsy CG is tossed around haphazardly, and the animation is embarrassing, doubly so for an OVA. They’re… They’re just dragging the character art in a circle. Just what kind of horse is that? Yeah, sure, it’s Deen, but they can do brainless action. UBW and Electric Spidergirls showed that, not to mention any number of snippets from a dozen other shows that seem to pop up and then disappear again for no rhyme or reason. Sadly, there’s none of that talent to be found here. The music was fairly decent at least and the backgrounds quite nice, but show me a show worth watching for the backgrounds and I’ll eat my sheltie.

So bleh. It’s not good for eye candy, it spits things out in the middle of the story and just has characters talk and talk and talk and talk, and the most competently done thing is the background art. I’m not even sure rabid fans will enjoy it because the original has got to be better than this. At least, I really really hope.


Posted in Anime | 17 Comments »

17 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Ryugan says:

    the funny thing is on spanish this series was called samurai x

    • Aroduc says:

      Not according to ANN it’s not!
      Maybe one’s Spain Spanish instead of Mexican Spanish.

      • Kmantle says:

        I don’t know how it was called in Spain, but in México it was called Samurái X

        • CucarachaEnojada says:

          In all South-América it was called Samurai X.That mean 13 countries againts 1 lonly european countrie.We won.

          Pido perdón si hay faltas de ortografía.Blame Google for that.

        • Kmantle says:

          Oh, esa no me la sabía.
          Nunca me tocó ver un canal de otro país latinoamericano, así que no sabía que ese título lo usaron más paises.

          Though I preffer “Rurouni Kenshin” than “Samurái X”

        • Ixidor says:

          that awkward moment when everyone that read tenka seiha is from latin america :P

          i really have high hopes from this movie and Berserk… so let’s see if this is good enough…. :)

      • Cuack says:

        ¿Español mexicano?

        ¿Es algo similar a decir “Inglés Australiano”?

    • el odio says:

      ¿Hay fin para todas las cosas que odias aroduc?

  • Mira says:

    Oh it’s out?! It should be good for some nostalgia at least.

  • AfroSquirrel says:

    DEEN, why must you ruin everything…

    You’ve somehow managed to move backwards from a series that relied heavily on action stills to begin with.

  • Jack says:

    Oh man…that lighting and shadowing is hideous. WTF?! Do modern animators not step outside to look at real world shadowing? How do you write a shaders without understanding your light source? Wow… The night time/dusk stuff looks a bit better.

    On the plus side…the character designs are better than the original TV show, but not better than the original OVAs.

  • Anonymous says:

    That is not at all how that scene plays out in the manga.

  • sage says:

    Kenshin GUN道

  • kurosama says:

    what the fucccccccccccckkkkkkkkkk

    where is the …………
    arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggg ryyyyyyyyyuuuuuuuuuuuuu kkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn????????????…

    instand we have…aaa..a..a…a…clinck…broken sword………………………………………………………………………..

  • Anon says:

    They ruined this. I’m disgusted. This was one of my favorite moments in the manga so I’m especially upset.

    Like you had hoped the original scene was nothing like this at all. The only thing they really have in common is the characters present, the hostage situation, and the area.

    In the manga (and the anime. Which was poorly animated and not very good.) Misao does not save the child. After breaking all of his swords Cho brings out his best one. A whip-like sword. Kenshin is thrown the sword and told it’s the last blade the sword maker created. He says he’ll murder the child. Cho decides to just off the kid. Not knowing it’s a sakabatou he decides that killing Cho is worth saving the boys life.

    It’s a really powerful scene. And it becomes THIS… A scene with no emotion. No tension. Just a boring scene that should have ended right when Misao saved the child.

    In the anime it more or less happened that way but with mediocre animation and stretched out to take twice as much time.


    It keeps the tension though so it works in the end just fine. The tension made the scene what it was.

    • SOSAnimeBoy says:

      Don’t forget the part about Kenshin skewering Cho’s eye. That was way unnecessary.