Aquarion EVOL #13 — Super Mega Double Combination

March 25th, 2012


This was quite an eventful episode.


It was a little frustrating how they’re continuing to skirt around Zess and Kagura/Mikono’s stuff, dragging it out more and more and more. Just bloody do something with it, already. And by do something, I don’t mean having him hoist her around like a trophy. Mr. Glowy also continues to be annoying and seemingly able to do whatever the hell the writing dictates should be done for maximum drama. I don’t remember the wings on the side of his head being quite so flappy in most episodes either. It was also a little insulting how they tried to use the guy who can make holes and his girlfriend dying from being stepped on. I think they were just looking for an excuse to have them pop up later as plot devices to stop the Kagura/Mikono/Amata stuff again.

Otherwise though, a very solid episode for the first time in awhile. Gimmick du jour was the gate feeding Kagura energy that they needed to get a double Aquarion combo going so one could seal it while the other kept him occupied. Jin’s turn to the good side was wholly expected but well-executed. His death immediately after was less expected and could have had a lot more impact if he had been around and involved with the show for more than about three weeks. And yes, since the entirety of the preview was a funeral for him, I’m pretty sure he is indeed dead… or it’s an elaborate fake so that Okada can revive him a couple weeks. I highly doubt Kagura’s dead though, even after his cockpit getting sliced in half and exploding. Nobody ever dies from that. But a rose petal to the forehead? That’s a mortal wound.





Posted in Aquarion | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Kitsu says:

    What? Jin died! For real? Blond people don’t have lucky

  • Minase says:

    Psshht. Jin and Yunoha are just playing Romeo and Juliet… Jin’s death is fake.


  • Quikbeam says:

    Kagura was covered by petals as the mech was blowing up, so he was saved from the explosion and what not.

  • aya natsume says:

    after this episode, they better not be joking and suddenly stop the developing relationship between mikono and amata…seriously, i’ll crush whoever gets in their way! it’s a threat!

    and i’m also just joking…hehe…

  • ewan says:

    Jin’s death issn’t really emotional…BUT THA SONG! ALL BECAUSE OF DAT SONG!