Zero F #08 — Brand New Tats
February 24th, 2012
Well, at least it’s not a tramp stamp.
If not for the boob jokes and Tifa confessing to/kissing Saito, this could almost be mistaken for a recent Shana episode. A bunch of random side characters who didn’t exist two episodes ago and show no sign of being relevant two episodes from now either standing around talking at the main characters. At length. Then the deus ex kicked in to bring an end to this arc and Louis somehow opened a portal to Saito to let them escape where he had to explain his new ink to the rest of his harem.
Cut out the elven exposition and padding, and this episode would’ve been about 5 minutes long. The ‘best’ bit of padding went something like, "Here they come! Get ready to fire! There they go! We didn’t fire!" I’m not sure the story could’ve survived without that thrilling exchange. And then a bunch of children in what was essentially an air yacht defeated an entire squad of elven dragon knights. Well, I suppose it was to be expected. Elven magic apparently heavily relies on making badly rendered CG things float around. Because it’s really hard to draw bricks… and vines.
Didn’t this show have assassins at one point? Like… last episode? What ever happened to them? Actually, come to think of it, are they still unconscious on the lawn back there?
Tifa and Saito play Find the Saltine.
Posted in Zero no Tsukaima | 6 Comments »
Oh god this show is getting worse and worse each episode. Which is worse Aroduc? This or Princess no Rondo whatever.