Guilty Crown #17 — Aye or Noe
February 16th, 2012
I can’t even tell if that’s supposed to be Nay or No.
Sweet. Finally back to those episodes where I just have to summarize what happened, make incredulous noises, and call it a day. Let’s start from last week then. Remember the cliffhanger with blood splattering everywhere from Inori attacking ol Still-Don’t-Care-To-Learn-Her-Name? It was Mana, not Inori. Okay, not surprising there. She used her magical disease crystals to stab her in the hand (then went crying to Shu later about being a monster). Pres was so shocked by this that she curled up in her room sobbing until she got a mysterious call. But someone discovered her in the middle of her seditious acts so she prostituted herself to get out of it. Yep. Not five minutes after showing both Shu and Inori becoming dangerously unhinged, they felt the need to remind us who the ‘real’ good guys are by whoring one side out.
Then once the attack began with an army of Void users (forgetting that one of them took down an entire battalion before), Shu’s entire army decided to betray him. Then Gai appeared, cut off Shu’s arm and absorbed his power. Ah, Guilty Crown. Why do you do the things that you do? This is an actual question. I don’t know what’s gotten into the water in the writing room at Production IG lately, but there is no way in hell that it can be good for them.
Posted in Guilty Crown | 22 Comments »
Wow…Just…Wow…Is this really the same guy who wrote Code Geas…?