Aquarion EVOL #06 — Moonlight Requiem

February 5th, 2012


That’s a very convenient moon.


Not the most exciting of episodes, mainly because it was centered around Shrade of all people, leaving everything with Amata, Mikono, and Kagura to just sort of be the impetus for Shrade getting to fight. I liked him more as a joke for boylove fantasies than some attempted tragic figure because of his element. Kagura also seems to actually be able to turn into a wolf as his power, or maybe the animators just got a little too stylish. It’s honestly hard to say. I guess it would tie into his smell fetish and the way he rants about Mikono being his bitch as something less than the obvious insult. Still, that’s probably ascribing a level of thought to the writing in this show that I highly doubt it actually deserves. I hope he doesn’t switch sides as the end-strangling seems to tease though.

Anyway, back to Shrade. …And I’m already tired of talking about him. He probably just wanted a piece of Amata anyway. Speaking of him, he didn’t actually do anything this week besides grabbing Mikono and using his foot/erection wings for something useful for once. He was basically just background decoration, slightly less present than the roaring piano music. I won’t miss that when it’s gone. The cliffhanger about whether or not Shrade actually did die from using Aquarion also annoyed me a little bit. Don’t make me laugh. It is amusing how Hole Boy keeps getting kicked out of the combinations to make room for Amata. Forever the fluffer, never getting the money shot. Such is the life of Hole Guy.


Zessica episode!

Posted in Aquarion | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • jingoi says:

    The only good thing about this show is Mikono and Zessica because now rule 34 can get to work.

  • Anonymous says:

    This anime has some backgrounds damn it.

  • Nan says:

    Gah, no information about the paper bag girl? I must know why! I’m envisioning a traumatic past followed by a batman-like identity epiphany involving paper bags over heads.

  • mem says:

    this anime needs more zessica and less mikono. also less of kagura going on and on about his stinky bitch, along with amata going mikono-san ever 5 secs. apollo had more to him than just chasing his bitch, in the previous series you know?

  • The Phantom says:

    Yes more jessica and less mikono. Also they need to replace the male lead for a mute shadow xD