Shana â…¢#15 — “Hello, Let’s Talk… AT LENGTH”

January 20th, 2012


I like how this guy just pops up random and somehow manages to talk over probably at least 8 minutes of the episode.


Yawn. Flame hazes keep retreating. Flame hazes successfully retreat. Episode over.

Oh yeah, that one guy whose name I never bothered to learn sacrifices himself. You haven’t even given me a reason to care about Rebecca… or even prove she’s been needed for all the focus she’s had. Why should I care about that guy? Shana and Wilhelmina also ‘fought’ Sydonay, which is to say that they mostly shouted, turned into a blur of flames, then exploded. They also occasionally turned into shiny lines and bounced off each other. Sometimes it was slightly better than that, but it only ever lasted a few seconds and was generally followed up by Syd having an internal monologue about how this smelled fishy, or my favorite, after the trick was removed and he got punched in the lion-gut, a flashback to talk about things. Their plan didn’t even work right. Margery had to pop up out of nowhere to seal him up so they could… you’ll love this… stand around talking some more, giving Syd the minute or so he needed to break out before getting blindsided by yet more random flame hazes literally just on their way past. At this point, it was time for juice break and everybody went home.

Sigh, JC Staff.


Make the show better, Pheles.

Posted in Shana | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Nan says:

    “Make the show better, Pheles.”

    You think they’re talking a lot now

  • Di Gi Kazune says:

    They will keep talking until there is enough monologue to fill say… 5 more light novels. In all 22 light novels worth of monologue!

  • kurosama says:

    i have a question…what happend with margery .?