Listen to What Your Father Says!! #03 — Trials of the Bathroom
January 24th, 2012
Yeah, another ‘eventful’ episode.
I really wish this show would get worse. Oh sure, some people would wish it to get better, but we all know the chances of that are infinitesimal, so may as well wish for something in the sphere of reality that may actually happen. Alternatively, bring back Raika. That would also do a world of good. I can only stand listening to Hina for so long and if nothing else, this episode did a spectacular job of driving my tolerance down to the basement. At least Not-Notable-Enough-For-Me-To-Remember-His-Name-Yet is more or less ignoring them wandering around his apartment naked or trying to strike ‘sexy’ poses for him, but again, by staying right on that edge, it’s not being notable enough to say much of anything about either. I’d prefer him to be replaced by his friend. At least that guy does magic tricks.
That just leaves all the little mysteries of the show. I think the thing that concerns me the most though is how Sora clearly did not wash her hands after using the bathroom. Filthy girl. I’m also a little curious how Miu’s box of five tacks became about a dozen. I’m unsure why you’d pack up a box of only five tacks to begin with. That’s the kind of thing you find in the junk drawer, not that you go out of your way to pack when being forced out of your home. Alternatively, they’re his tacks, which means that Miu’s been rooting around through all his stuff off-screen, probably looking for his porn. Filthy girl.
Velociraptors attack.
Posted in Listen To Father | 9 Comments »
That poster looks… wrong.