Aquarion EVOL #04 — Devil’s Threesome

January 22nd, 2012


Incestual too.


Same as usual, more or less, although there was probably a little less general inanity this week. The infinitely long chain-punch was a good attempt at least. It also accidentally crushed the Berlin Wall. It goes to show how sex-starved these kids are that they don’t even concern themselves with the bizarre giant fist that just decimated a swathe of their school and instead, with a cry of "Holy crap! Boys/Girls!" go charging past it to get some. I’d rather not try to think too hard about the socio-structure of this bizarre future world though. So yeah, the writing’s still not the tightest and it’d be a little more solid (if less amusing to write about) if it scaled things back juuuuuuust an inch, but unlike Lagrange, at least it’s going places with inanity on the side instead of being focal points that turn into attempts at dramatic moments. As I mentioned there too, it’s a lot easier to swallow dramatic moments when characters are actually struggling instead of shrugging off blades to the forehead.

The main events du jour were Mikono deciding to run away from everything before being surprised for some reason to see Amata and her brother fighting again. Then she was dragged back and teleported into Hole Boy’s spot so they could do their usual thing. I question Amata’s position between her and her brother in their ultimate orgasm attack though. It’s bad enough to be using an orgasm attack with your flesh and blood, but having Amata be the one in between the two of them? That, sir, is a devil’s threesome of the worst positioning. There was also Shrade, a pianist whose whole point seemed to be to use his power to make Cayenne use his power… but for something useful for once instead of crippling hallucinations. Fudo, the pirate-looking guy who brought Mikono back (in a chair that rises so high above the floor that he has to leap down from it, no less) also took over the now combined-school.




Boys and girls… together!?

Posted in Aquarion | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • 不動GEN says:


  • Yden says:

    Oh mugen punch, how I missed you.

  • Anonymous says:

    Holy shit Horizon OST was leaked. Glorious.

  • The Phantom says:

    Hopefully green haired girl will add the so much needed spice that this show needs so bad, male lead could not be less stiff and robotic, and female lead is like a freaking nun!.