Aquarion EVOL #03 — DOGEZA ORZ

January 15th, 2012


These special attacks have… issues.


Also not a particularly eventful episode that was about 15 minutes of dull info dump and exposition but at least it got ridiculous again towards the end. You could have shortened the episode by probably a quarter if you removed all the drifting shots of scenery from the start. They did keep some of the crazy-ass future stuff though, like the mechanical fork for twirling spaghetti. That seems like it would be very VERY liable to make a mess. And shred your tongue. Most of the first half was rather dull though. Team evil is plotting the awakening of POWER, Cayenne is Mikono’s brother, Mix Ponytail still thinks guys are like, totally gross you know, and… that’s pretty much about it for progression.

They also put Amata through a battery of tests, one of which was to hold his eyes open and force him to look at giant pictures of asses to ‘stimulate’ him. I appreciate how one scientist isn’t paying any attention to him at all and just staring at the screen. Then he found a new friend digging a hole to the girls dorms and formed the Holy Hole Alliance before coming across Mikono. Instead of having a Glowing Naked Seizure, his foot-wings suddenly became erect, propelling him straight into her crotch and giving her the face ride of a lifetime. Then, to the OP playing as an insert and a scream of "I want to see her again!!!!", he combined with his two simulation buddies and forced them to bow in forgiveness to her in the aforementioned ‘special’ attack. Special in this case being a very diplomatic choice of words.

I’d also like to take a moment to point out that the girls are complete dicks.


Pianos shooting butterflies and Mikono orgasms.

Posted in Aquarion | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Chen says:

    Oh wow, reading your impressions, it’s like a spectacular train wreck waiting to unfold. Okada is the head writer of this, right?

  • EXM says:

    For the record, Aroduc seems to have the tendency to be overly critical and biased towards the writing of shows with higher production values. Since he can’t nitpick the animation, he’ll nitpick the direction.

    Can’t say that he’s wrong in doing so, but I have to say that reading his summaries before watching the episode itself is the perfect way to set yourself up to NOT enjoy it.

  • c00ki3t4k3r says:

    Yea, I agree the first half was crap. But at least we got a good laugh when Amata kowtowed his love to Mikono:) Now I definitely prefer these two rather than the guiltycrown pair, if you know what i mean
    btw, did anyone notice one of the girls in the classroom is wearing a bag over her head? jks

  • The Phantom says:

    LOL the literally rammed his face into her ass, best scene ever.

    Male lead is absolutely retarded though, but is funny as hell.

  • Anonymous says:

    God damn, Fudo. I know that’s you, go do something. :|

  • MR.KLAC says:

    really being tied to a chair & stare on that “behind” unbelieveable?

    really yet it feel torture yea right if happen to me i would refer the Lacus version.

  • Belgaesh says:

    “Then he found a new friend digging a hole to the girls dorms and formed the Holy Hole Alliance before coming across Mikono. Instead of having a Glowing Naked Seizure, his foot-wings suddenly became erect, propelling him straight into her crotch and giving her the face ride of a lifetime.”

    Laughed so much at this.

  • ark noir says:

    MC stalker is getting well creepy.The word for today is Mikuno.