Guilty Crown #08 — The Beach Episode
December 1st, 2011
Because when you’re a wanted terrorist, it’s best to go to a beach.
Yawn. I think I prefer the show when it just abandons all sense to run wild. This was just tedious and particularly bizarrely scored. Whoever was in charge of the music this week was tripping badly. Really badly. Nothing really happened this week besides the reveal of yet another antagonist, who is connected with Shuu’s supposedly dead father somehow. And since they’re just running through supervillain archetypes and they’ve already got clown and sportsguy, today was priest. I can’t wait for them to get to sentient gorilla or imp from the 5th dimension whose name Shuu has to say backwards.
And things didn’t make a whole lot of sense either for that matter as usual. I particularly liked how Gai had to give exposition to Shuu about his own father. There was also Crazypants glaring at a birthday cake. Just… out of nowhere… five seconds of Captain Crazy glaring at a birthday cake by himself. There’s also the world’s worst guard, who let the priest (who may or walk past the gates and all the way up to them without noticing and then granted access to him with Shuu’s supposedly dead father’s keycard. You’d think you’d want to update their security systems every now and then or at least use something more than a single keycard to control everything in the facility by holding it up in the air, but no, apparently not. Again, great work on the writing here, IG.
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(Who may or what? I must know!!
Also, a beach is totally necessary here! Where else can you get thematically appropriate light angles, background glare sparkles and dramatic wind for professional angst-brooding?
I mean, without that he would have to drag everyone down to his basement drama-stage just so he can do do the proper moody poses, and that would be awkward and totally wannabe-angster, not professional at all…