Carnival Phantasm #09-10 — Defectives Hisui

December 31st, 2011


All that Kohaku and still no Mr. Chin? 

And no, I have no idea why someone chose to upload Ep 9 in a different resolution from all the rest.


The first segment was enjoyable, although a little too reminiscent of the very first episode where the Grail War was reimagined as a gameshow. This time it was a Grand Prix Mario Kart: DD. Assassin was easily the high point with his poor doomed love affair with his partner, his shrine. Their ‘exchanges’ were quite amusing. Shirou and Saber got a few points for their Lion-Go, one of those mechanical lion toys that they needed to pump full of coins to keep moving. Rider’s Pegasus-Bike was also worth a chuckle, but then she practically disappeared from the race. I’m surprised they even let Rin drive considering how inept with machines she is… plus they’ve already had an entire segment about that. Those two didn’t bring their A-games at all to that segment. I approve of the new Grail segments too. Every problem in anime should be solved through the not-so-judicious application of stabbing.

The second half wasn’t as good. Poor Tsukihime. Most of it was about Kohaku drugging Akiha and reverting her to her childhood, so Shiki had to take care of her, along with Sacchin helping her pee. They could have done a whole lot more with that… or even involved anybody other than Shiki and Akiha really. The rest was Kohaku brainstorming various Detective Defective Hisui stories. That was better, but I’m fairly sure at least one or two of her ‘surprise twists’ actually did happen in Occult Academy and GOSICK… so… that parody’s sadly a little too close to reality.

On to the next two!


Posted in Carnival Phantasm | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • longhaul says:

    I lost it when Berserker transformed

  • Satsu says:

    Wow, at least Karen and Yumizuka Satsuki reappeared again this episodes, hahaha!

    MBAACC hooray!!! This was best way to end the year,lol.

  • Nan says:

    Heh, reminded me of that doujin image where Assassin is strolling around town carrying the gate’s pillar on his back.

  • That pink pimpmobile is a classic.