Persona 4 #05 — Social Link Leveling
November 3rd, 2011
Is it time to romance the fox yet?
Side note: This was far more adorable than it had any right to be.
Well, that answers the questions about how they’re going to handle the game’s social links as well as the space between kidnappings, although I do find it a little hard to believe that 10+ teenage boys plus a ref would be so intent on basketball that they’d completely ignore a screaming and slapping fight on the sidelines between two supposedly hot girls in an otherwise completely empty gym. Seriously. The only sounds there were someone dribbling, girls screaming at each other, and the background music. Maybe the BGM was being piped through the speakers and drowned it all out. Ai was one of the social links I liked the most in P4, but I also suspect that may be because her general character type is so rare in Japanese media and even when they are present, are usually relegated to the sidekick role or paired up against a character too wishy-washy to be able to decide between a sandwich and a mouthful of glass for lunch. Yuu does veer more towards the latter category, so a lot of it does remain Ai just narrating her life to a brick wall and it still doesn’t work so well when the character’s not a player avatar.
It still wasn’t that particularly interesting of an episode overall and they didn’t really try to tie it into events that transpired or the like, so it feels like they’re just going through the motions. Like Horizon, the narrative really should stay a little more tightly focused, even if here it means making up some new stuff to tie the side events into the main plot. Say Ai or Ball-boy had some connection to… I don’t know… anything. It shouldn’t just randomly spurt off like this if the story is going to remain cohesive. This isn’t the game anymore, although I think Yuu getting an announcement about his social link leveling up at random points would have been hilarious. Might as well maximize the silliness if you’re just going to keep the skin-deep events without any changes at all. No, the brief manservice doesn’t count either.
If you’re reading this, it means that I forgot to change the template.
Posted in Persona | 11 Comments »
Wait, was Ebihara’s S.Link even available that early on in the game?