Un-Go #01 — Magical Transexual
October 13th, 2011
I don’t think this was how the original detective novels went.
Well, Bones. Let’s see what we’ve learned from GOSICK and No. 6 about creating a mystery/thriller. You’ve taken an old detective novel and decided to add… a magical boy that transforms into a slutty woman who uses magical hypnosis to send an entire room full of people into a heretofore unseen and unknown flashback about their past where they confess their crime and motive. At this point, the latin guitar kicks in. Bones. What the hell are you doing? Do you need to go watch some Detective Conan again to remember how mysteries work? Maybe read some Encyclopedia Brown?
Bones is also phoning it in on the production pretty heavily too. There’s not a whole ton to animate in the first place and the art style is highly simplistic. It seems like Bones was also using the ‘mystery’ setup to just get away with recycling stills, of which there were already many in the first place. You could also put out someone’s eye with those chins. As seems par for the course this season too, there was also an absolute cluster-disaster of characters in the episode, the only one of which that stood out was the panting, moaning, magical transexual. That’s not a compliment, that’s just one of the few notable features of the show.
So, yuck. Bones still hasn’t figured out how detective stories are supposed to work and the magical boygirl just strikes me as a blatant gimmick. There’s little else noteworthy to the episode besdes him/her and even then, claims of magic in a mystery story are meant to obfuscate the truth of what really happened and be shown as lies by the detective, not be used as a deus ex machina to get a sudden info dump out of nowhere as to the sum and total of the crime. That’s just lazy and horrible all around.
Posted in Anime | 5 Comments »
Well, the show *is* called Un-Go. Maybe they’re trying to slip a message about it.
…it makes sense without coffee, ok.