The World’s Greatest First Love 2 #01 — Mmmmmm…More Men!
October 7th, 2011
Oh god, the shame.
Quick FYI, apparently what stations are broadcasting this week for Last Exile is a pre-episode 1 broadcast. There’s about 3-5 minutes of clips from assumably the first episode, but it’s mostly just the cast and staff chattering about it. Most of what’s shown was in the PVs already released anyway.
I have to admit that I was a little worried about this show. I mean, how can you have a second best first love? That’s bonkers. One of them has to be better than the other. But luckily, Deen showed me that they had everything under control and I think that the writing and production may be even better than the first season. It is a true marvel of a man-on-managerie of forbidden love, tenting the pants of societal limitations and stretching the boundaries of anime as not only a medium, but a way of life.
Or maybe last time was enough fun to find an excuse to do it again. Here’s the screencap dump if you just come here to look at pretty pictures. Honestly here. It’s a sequel to what already was a copy/paste between Deen’s other litany of BL shows. Hoods has their giant disgusting breast cash cow, Deen has their men soaked in sweat and shame. Viva le niche.
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it’s taking a dump..