Guilty Crown #02 — Trimming the Fat

October 20th, 2011


Really though, the main character shouldn’t count as fat.


Aaaaaaaaah. Now that’s much better. Sure, I still could not possibly care less about the technobabble of these powers and I still consider Shuu nothing more than a whiny sack of crap, but hey, how do you improve a show centered on a sack of crap? Remove him. Oh, I’m sure it won’t last all that long, particularly because now he’s back in school and going to have wacky school adventures like chasing the cat when it steals his iPod full of porn, but this episode only goes to show how much deadweight the main character is being on his own show. I think he didn’t even break 10 lines this week. Now if they just kill him next week, things will be much better.

But anyway, on to things that the episode did right that actually were in it, instead of things it avoided. Tits. Aaah. That’s better. Because that’s this show’s real strength; girls in form-fitting rubber, moaning and writhing, their breasts bouncing and heaving, or dancing around to operated computer controls with their butts… and their breasts bouncing and heaving. And then there’s the effeminate crazy guy also in a form hugging suit. I like him. I think he orgasmed when he shot that woman in the back of the head. That’s the kind of crazy and psychopathy that I can get behind, and it didn’t even take 15 minutes of flashback about him having a daddy that didn’t love him to get there! Oh, and some slick looking CG for once I guess. Maybe my standards are just slipping. Shuu’s action himself was a little better than last week, but still less choreographed and more "guy hits inanimate objects that appear to be not moving," but hey, they spent more frames on it than they needed to. That’s a plus.

Anyway, this episode was far better than the first, and while I’m not wild about "let’s all go to school together" angle… or really anything having to do with Shuu at all, from the forgotten childhood past to… well, let’s just leave at at anything, I at least feel good about continuing to make fun of Shuu and all of this show’s gasping, moaning women. Penguindrum meanwhile (I’m getting to it) continues to take two steps backwards for every step forwards, but I’ll get to that briefly.


Posted in Guilty Crown | 20 Comments »

20 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Pronas says:

    class we’ve got a new transfer student!


  • Gorilla13 says:

    Whiny sack of crap?


    Another show to drop… I guess I should wait after a couple years to pick up animu again… Seems like they really ran out of ideas… Good thing is that many games will be coming out from November onward to occupy me ’til they decide to adapt anything with no sack of crap as main character, such as Aiki or Until Death Do Us Part…

    • sora says:

      You should watch it before you listen/follow someone’s OPINION!!! The show is actually the best so far I’ve have seen. The main character(whose name is Shu btw) is actually a pretty cool/realistic character who has balls . And the pacing, flow, characters, music, terms, VA, etc. are incredible. I come here to see what’s going on and read the comments AFTER I watch it to see if I think there are some valid points or are they in one of their “everything sucks” moods.

      • Kunagisa says:

        Form own opinion before dropping +1
        Realitic character -1

        How in the bloody world did you equate his chuunibyou tendency with realistic I’ll never understand. Dude’s still whimpy and can’t make up his mind without the girl offer a piece of herself to give him a libido drive.

        • sora says:

          if there was ever a slight chance the place you where living at was under a dictatorship and you had the constant fear of being killed wouldn’t you be a little wimp too? it’s in human nature to fear things stronger than you and it takes a lot of guts to overcome that which not alot of people have when they are solo. in a group maybe but by yourself no. so in my opinion if i never had to fight and then sudden get thrown into a situation to because of someone i want to protect is realistic.

        • Kunagisa says:

          You clearly don’t know what chuunibyou mean.

          The whimpy part is realistic, except the part where the story wen 180 degree in less than 10 seconds. He completely go out of his way to rescue a random girl he fangasms over, completely ignoring his previous realization that he MIGHT die, and decide that Gai’s extremely convincing speech that has no personal bearing to him whatsoever is enough for him to massacre the entire enemy force. Dude even admits his teenage fantasies enactment at the end of the episode.

          The show has many good points. Realism is not one of them. I just think fans can enjoy the show without half-unconsciously defending everything wrong with the series.

        • Insatiable says:

          Honestly, even if it is realistic, the main character is still a disgusting example of a human being. He seriously needs to be shot next episode. I still can’t get over the fact that he had the opportunity of taking revenge on those people who mercilessly shot civilians to death.

          I actually felt a bit pissed after that, and I don’t think any realistic, sane person could easily walk away from that without feeling inane guilt.

          But I guess that’s just

  • jingoi says:

    Last ep for me. I’ll be back when there’s a fanservice heavy ep.

  • Chen says:

    You guys are new here, aren’t you? By Aroduc’s standards, this show is like the second coming of Christ. His post makes even me want to watch it and I haven’t liked anything from Production IG since Moribito!

    • Kusano says:

      Yea, did I fall into the twilight zone? The surprising lack of hate is disturbing.

    • Aroduc says:

      It is? I’m pretty sure that I’ve spent half the time remarking on how the main character is so bad that I wish he was knifed in the penis to give him something to really cry about.

  • Lollerman says:

    You know what really kills this show for me? And my biggest gripe with Code Geass? Is that this show is essentially showing Japan being conquered by some force (UN, NWO, whatever) and the crazy conspiracies, etc. Thing is, we’ve been trying to do that for years in places like Somalia, and all we’ve got is a high body count. Hell, we didn’t invade during WWII because the body count would be so damn high. So why the hell are all these people just hanging around after their entire damn country got rewritten?

    Hell, these people believe that suicide is a legitimate way to go, and they’ve already sacrificed young people before (kamikaze pilots). Just do it again!

  • Anonymous says:

    *People getting aimed with guns*
    “We need to hurry!” – “Not yet!”
    *People get shot*

    Those 3 or so seconds he waited must’ve been critical.

    • Nanaya says:

      Well, if you show up before anything happens and instantly settle the issue in one blow, its boring.

      To really make it worth it, you need to set the stage – villain goes on a rampage for a little, people understand they’re helpless, then you step in. Elongate the fight scene, get pushed back a little, make the audience waver. Then strike a pose and say something dramatic, and put down the enemy and save the people who are still alive.

      This is like basic hero knowledge.

      • Albedo says:

        Don’t forget the explosion in the background that you don’t look at.

      • Aex says:

        It’s also the show trying to set Gai up as a badass that’ll do whatever’s necessary and isn’t afraid to let people die to get things done right.

        I say that and I get it, but after this episode I do NOT trust Gai. Now I’m fully expecting him to leave them all for dead to further his own agenda at some point.

  • Embok says:

    So this is a sequel to Sacred 7 right?

  • S.C. says:

    I am having so much difficulty telling genders at first glance. >_<

  • arknoir says:

    Personally, I thought thsi was final fantasy 7. I saw a blond Sephiroth, talk about jenova cells that’s some buster sword he’s carrying. Oh and I hoped aeris would die, but she transfered to his school.

  • The Phantom says:

    Episode 1 was good, episode 2 was decent too. And yea the male lead sucks, but thats common on most animes. At least the visuals are good.