Carnival Phantasm #07-08 — Queen of the Cafe

October 28th, 2011


Bow to the queen.


Well, here’s the happy medium I guess. Neither of these episodes were anywhere as good as the Berserker bit or either episode 1 or 2, but were better than most of the rest. I’m not sure why all but about 5 minutes of this set of episodes was on the Fate side of things though. Maybe it’s to load up the release that’s coming with MBAACC’s PC version extra Melty/Tsukihime stuff. Anyway, episode 7 was split between Arcueid discovering new foods and hunting them herself, including Nero since he’s made of animals. The other half was housewife Caster going about her daily life, making lucky charms for Souichirou, spying on Saber, working on her extensive Saber collection, etc. It was often cute… very cute… but not really that funny.

Episode 8 was the many faces of Saber, starting with a nature documentary of the Saber Lion, going into normal Saber working as a maid waitress until Gil tried to order Take-Out Saber into her grinding the entire cafe under her thumb by transforming into Alter Saber. All to save up money for Shirou’s birthday present. Again, sort of cute, but I laughed more at the interstitial bits of her handling the weird customers like Nero swarming the table or Berserker trying to fit through the doorway. Saber Ex with Taiga was also amusing. Sadly, I think that’s all the screentime that she’s going to get. She knows how to… er… appeal to the audience. At least there weren’t any Phantasmoon segments in this set or Sacchin stand-up at all. I do hope the next batch has a lot more of the Tsukihime/Melty Blood side of the cast though. 5 minutes of Arc hunting octopi doesn’t cut it.


Posted in Carnival Phantasm | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Hayate-kun says:

    The Saber you see at the end is a different Saber from the Fate/Extra PSP game.

    • sage says:

      Wow, this is so informative. I bet Aroduc didn’t know about this. I guess the “Ex” in “Saber Ex” (as Aroduc referred to this “Red Saber” that nobody knows of) didn’t stand for “Extra” as in “Fate/Extra”, as I initially thought.

      Thank you for your valued contributions. Keep up the great work.

  • Di Gi Kazune says:

    I just call her Saber Nero. Or Saber CCS.

  • The Phantom says:

    Didn’t like 5 that much, 6 was fun, but definitely my favorite was 7, caster was the show stealer for me, 8 was nice too.

  • Ape says:

    Wait, is Saber Nero voiced by her appropriate VA, complete with the egotism, or is normal Saber cosplaying?

  • Zing says:

    I don’t call anyone Nero, not even Nrvnqsr.